
It's a really, ultra, mega simple polybar addon to track pricing of your favourite crypto currencies!

Primary LanguageRuby

This should be roughly what was done here, but written in ruby.

working sample

first, in your polybar folder

  $ git clone https://github.com/itsmaia/polybar-crypto && cd polybar-crypto
  $ mkdir ~/.config/polybar/crypto && cp ./{crypto-config.rb,main.rb} ~/.config/polybar/crypto

Then, put your API key (CoinMarketCap) and desired coins at crypto-config.rb.

@coins = { :bitcoin => "bitcoin_icon", :dash => "dash_icon" }
@currency = 'USD'
@api_key = 'YOUR KEY HERE'

In your polybar config file:

modules-right = crypto memory cpu temperature date
type = custom/script
interval = 600
exec = ruby ~/.config/polybar/crypto/main.rb

@willHol used the cryptocoins font in his project and i think its pretty neat, you can take a look at that if you want to.

This is licensed under do whatever you want with it.