
A simple countdown timer using moment.js that displays the amount of time between now and a certain date in the future.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Javascript Countdown using Moment.js


A simple countdown timer using moment.js that displays the amount of time between now and a certain date in the future.

  • Requires Moment.js and jQuery


  • target.countdown(options);
  • target.countdown(selector, targetDate);
  • target.countdown(selector, targetDate, options);


  • selector: jQuery element selector (ie, "#elementId")

  • targetDate: Date to count down to in array form (ie, [2015, 4, 1] or [2014, 10, 5, 10, 30, 0])

  • options: Object literal containing any or all of the following options:

  • showYears -- default is false

  • showMonths -- default is true

  • showDays -- default is true

  • showHours -- default is true

  • showMinutes -- default is true

  • showSeconds -- default is true

  • separator -- default is ", "

  • selector -- jQuery element selector (ie, "#elementId")

  • targetDate -- Date to count down to in array form (ie, [2015, 4, 1] or [2014, 10, 5, 10, 30, 0])


Coming soon.