
Demo app for multi-tenant customization talks

Primary LanguageShell

The Ring Network: Multi-Tenant Demo Repository

Overview and Description

Welcome to The Ring Network repository! This project is designed as a demo to accompany my multi-tenant architecture presentation, "One Backend to Rule Them All: Mastering Multi-Tenant Customization." The goal of this repository is to showcase how to manage multiple tenants with distinct user interfaces while maintaining a unified backend infrastructure.

In this demo, you'll explore how to use NGINX, Docker, Node.js (with TypeScript), and Nunjucks templating engine to create and manage tenant-specific customizations. Each tenant, represented by different Middle-earth races, has a unique UI, yet all are powered by a single backend system.

Basic Structural Breakdown

The repository is organized as follows:

  • /scripts/: Contains bash scripts for managing clients and running the demo.

    • dev: Main script for onboarding/removing clients, deploying the application, and managing the environment.
  • /nginx/: Contains NGINX configuration files and Dockerfile for setting up the reverse proxy.

    • Dockerfile: Builds the NGINX image.
    • nginx.conf: Main NGINX configuration file.
    • sites-enabled/: Directory where client-specific configurations will be copied for deployment.
  • /app/: Contains the Node.js application code, written in TypeScript, along with Nunjucks templates and public assets.

    • Dockerfile: Builds the Node.js application image.
    • src/: Contains the TypeScript source code for the application.
    • views/: Nunjucks templates organized by client.
    • public/: Static assets, including client-specific CSS files.
  • /forges/: Contains client-specific configurations, templates, and assets.

    • elven/, dwarven/, etc.: Directories housing each tenant's custom NGINX configuration, templates, and CSS files.
  • docker-compose.yml: Orchestrates the application and NGINX containers.

Getting Started


To work with this repository, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Node.js and npm

Steps to Clone and Setup the Repository

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/guahanweb/ringnetwork.git
    cd ringnetwork
  2. Set Up the Environment:

    Make sure the necessary directories exist and the /etc/hosts file is correctly configured.

    • Run the setup script:
      ./scripts/dev add-subdomains
    • Install Node.js dependencies:
      cd app
      npm install
    • Build the TypeScript files:
      npm run build

Running the Demo

Spin Up the Containers

  1. Onboard Clients:

    To onboard new clients (e.g., elven, dwarven), or to re-deploy changes to previously onboarded clients, use the onboard-client command:

    ./scripts/dev onboard-client elven
    ./scripts/dev onboard-client dwarven
  2. Deploy the Application:

    Run the following command to build and start the Docker containers:

    ./scripts/dev deploy

Visit the Sites

Once the containers are running, you can visit the following URLs in your browser to see the demo in action:

Each client will present a unique interface that is powered by the same backend application but customized based on the tenant.

Stopping the Demo

When you are done with the demo, stop the containers with:

./scripts/dev stop

To remove the clients from the environment:

./scripts/dev remove-client elven
./scripts/dev remove-client dwarven


If you want to clean up the /etc/hosts entries:

./scripts/dev remove-subdomains


Feel free to fork this repository, submit issues, or crete pull requests if you have ideas to improve this demo!


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.