
Node js version of my personal website. This is still in early development and is not the live version of the site.

Primary LanguageHTML


Node js version of my personal website. This is still in early development and is not the live version of the site.

Get started

  • Install node js on your machine
  • cd to root directory, type "npm install" for dependencies
  • type "npm run dev" to start the server
  • Go to http://localhost:8080

Main server file



All api requests go through /api/

All front end and static requests go through / (root)

Meaning if you go to localhost:8080/software it will take you to the software page with html, css, javascript etc.. but if you go to localhost:8080/api/software it will not grab html.. the route assumes you are trying to access an api functionality

HTML Pages

All html pages are in the /views/pages/ directory. These are ejs files which call partials in ejs to include html in other pages.

Static Files (CSS, Javascript)

/static/ directory

When an html page links to a stylesheet or some script, express serves the Static files in the /static/ directory within the same direcory it is called inside of the /views/pages/ direcory.

For example:

/views/pages/software/index.ejs has a stylesheet href="css/page.css"

Since express serves our static files for us it actually grabs the css from


This makes it easy to use relative addresses in hrefs of html files, so long as you continue this directory structure of placing static files in /static directory and the html in the views/pages/ directory and the reusable html in the /views/partials/ directory