
wave data processing tools

Primary LanguageMATLAB

diego domenzain
fall 2017
boise state uni

Here are a bunch of projects for processing recorded wave data, 
both passive and active, both seismic and electromagnetic. 

All needed code is in 'shared' and all data is in 'data'... duh.

'data' is not in the github repository.

All other directories are examples.

Make sure to run dir_links.sh in a terminal before to set up 
symbolic links:

  <user in this directory>$ ./dir_links.sh



'erb-passive' is the most worked example. It even has a 
pdf presentation in the 'latex' directory.

'china-passive' for some reason doesn't give good results.
I think the data is bad.

All the rest are stand alone examples showing one of the pieces 
(beamforming, interferometry, FTAN, MASW) that these two above 