yarn add @particle-network/thresh-sig
- base params
let endpoint = "https://api.particle.network";
// json string | AuthParams
let params = JSON.stringify({
token: "555ebd5b-0fea-45e4-910d-a97fffd4388b",
project_uuid: "8f881767-5a69-4b1b-b7a2-2554b76e4462",
project_client_key: "crSldYouTIQIUzut0WhIKexkl28rg2RblfdXET5l",
project_app_uuid: "7066b3c0-284c-4390-893c-4a38915a3160",
sdk_version: "android_1.0.0",
device_id: "9907eab5-82fd-49bb-a442-fe9fb67c6487",
mac_key: "9907eab5-82fd-49bb-a442-fe9fb67c6487",
// timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
// random_str: "9907eab5-82fd-49bb-a442-fe9fb67c6487",
import {EdDsa, ServerError} from "@particle-network/thresh-sig";
(async () => {
let eddsa = await EdDsa.gen(endpoint, params);
console.log("pub key: ", eddsa.pub());
console.log("to json: ", eddsa.to());
console.log("eddsa from json | EdDsaData: ", EdDsa.from(eddsa.to()));
try {
console.log("sign: ", await eddsa.sign(endpoint, params, "some message"));
console.log("batch sign: ", await eddsa.batchSign(endpoint, params, [
"some message",
"some message2",
"some message3",
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ServerError) {
console.log("server error: ", e);
} else {
console.log("error: ", e);
import {EdDsa} from "@particle-network/thresh-sig";
import * as web3 from "@solana/web3.js";
(async () => {
let conn = new web3.Connection(
// airdrop some sol
const pubKey = new web3.PublicKey(eddsa.pub());
console.log("from pub key: ", pubKey.toBase58());
const ads = await conn.requestAirdrop(
await conn.confirmTransaction(ads);
let to = web3.Keypair.generate();
console.log("to pub key: ", to.publicKey.toBase58());
// new tx with transfer
const recentBlockhash = await conn.getRecentBlockhash();
let tx = new web3.Transaction({
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash.blockhash,
feePayer: pubKey,
instructions: [
fromPubkey: pubKey,
toPubkey: to.publicKey,
lamports: web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 100,
// sign tx msg
let msg = tx.serializeMessage();
// console.log("tx serialize msg: ", msg);
let txSign = await eddsa.sign(endpoint, params, msg);
console.log("eddsa sign: ", txSign, txSign.toString("hex"));
// add sign & send tx
tx.addSignature(pubKey, txSign);
console.log("tx: ", tx);
const signature = await conn.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize());
console.log("tx sign: ", signature);
console.log("confirm: ", await conn.confirmTransaction(signature, "confirmed"));
import {EdDsa} from "@particle-network/thresh-sig";
import {AptosClient, FaucetClient} from "aptos";
import * as SHA3 from "js-sha3";
(async () => {
const client = new AptosClient('https://fullnode.devnet.aptoslabs.com');
const faucetClient = new FaucetClient('https://fullnode.devnet.aptoslabs.com', 'https://faucet.devnet.aptoslabs.com');
const accountBalance = async function (accountAddress) {
const resource = await client.getAccountResource(accountAddress, "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>");
if (resource == null) {
return null;
return parseInt((resource.data)['coin']['value']);
const eddsa = await EdDsa.gen(endpoint, params);
const hash = SHA3.sha3_256.create();
const address = '0x' + hash.hex();
const pubKey = '0x' + eddsa.pub().toString('hex');
console.log('address: ', address, 'public key: ', pubKey);
await faucetClient.fundAccount(address, 200000);
console.log('balance: ', await accountBalance(address));
const payload = {
type: 'script_function_payload',
function: '0x1::coin::transfer',
type_arguments: ['0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'],
arguments: ['0x18f8a9d1e5c68e75d287d2a721e6328955e99473938c35750c504c5b6578835c', '10000'],
const txnRequest = await client.generateTransaction(address, payload);
const message = await client.createSigningMessage(txnRequest);
let signature = await eddsa.sign(endpoint, authParams, HexString.ensure(message).toBuffer());
signature = HexString.fromBuffer(signature).toString(); // 0xxxxxxx
console.log("signature:", signature);
const signedTxn = {
signature: {
type: 'ed25519_signature',
public_key: pubKey,
const res = await client.submitTransaction(signedTxn);
console.log('res: ', res);
import {connect, keyStores, transactions, utils} from 'near-api-js';
import {sha256 as JsSha256} from 'js-sha256'
(async () => {
const eddsa = await EdDsa.gen(endpoint, params);
const address = eddsa.pub().toString('hex');
const networkId = "testnet";
const keyType = 0;
const publicKey = utils.PublicKey.from(utils.serialize.base_encode(eddsa.pub()));
const near = await connect({networkId, nodeUrl: "https://rpc.testnet.near.org"});
const account = await near.account(address);
console.log('address: ', address, 'account: ', account, await account.getAccountBalance());
const receiverId = 'ddemo.testnet';
const actions = [transactions.transfer('1000000000000000000000000')]; // 1NEAR
let nonce;
try {
const accessKey = await near.connection.provider.query({
request_type: 'view_access_key',
account_id: address,
public_key: publicKey.toString(),
finality: 'optimistic'
nonce = ++accessKey.nonce;
} catch (e) {
if (e.type == 'AccessKeyDoesNotExist') {
nonce = 0;
} else {
throw e;
const block = await near.connection.provider.block({finality: 'final'});
const blockHash = utils.serialize.base_decode(block.header.hash);
const transaction = transactions.createTransaction(address, publicKey, receiverId, nonce, actions, blockHash);
const message = JsSha256.array(utils.serialize.serialize(transactions.SCHEMA, transaction));
let signature = await eddsa.sign(endpoint, authParams, message);
signature = new transactions.Signature({keyType, data: signature});
const res = await near.connection.provider.sendTransaction(new transactions.SignedTransaction({
console.log('res: ', res);
import {Ecdsa} from "@particle-network/thresh-sig";
(async () => {
let ecdsa = await Ecdsa.gen(endpoint, params);
console.log("pub key: ", ecdsa.pub());
console.log("to json: ", ecdsa.to());
console.log("ecdsa from json | EcdsaData: ", Ecdsa.from(ecdsa.to()));
console.log("sign: ", await ecdsa.sign(endpoint, params, "some message", true));
ecdsa = await ecdsa.refresh(endpoint, params);
console.log("new json: ", ecdsa.to());
import {Ecdsa} from "@particle-network/thresh-sig";
import Web3 from "web3";
import {FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction, TransactionFactory} from "@ethereumjs/tx";
import Common, {Hardfork} from "@ethereumjs/common";
import {publicToAddress} from "ethereumjs-util";
import axios from "axios";
(async () => {
// test
const ecdsa = Ecdsa.gen(endpoint, params);
const address = "0x" + publicToAddress(ecdsa.pub(), true).toString("hex");
console.log("address: ", address);
// ethereum
const rpc = "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161"; // https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161
const chainId = 3; // 1
// polygon
// const rpc = "https://matic-mumbai.chainstacklabs.com"; // https://polygon-rpc.com
// const chainId = 80001; // 137
// binance
// const rpc = "https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s2.binance.org:8545"; // https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org
// const chainId = 97; // 56
// avalanche
// const rpc = "https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc"; // https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
// const chainId = 43113; // 43114
const web3 = new Web3(rpc);
const common = Common.custom({chainId: chainId}, {hardfork: Hardfork.London});
console.log("balance: ", await web3.eth.getBalance(address))
const suggest = (await axios.get(`https://gas-api.metaswap.codefi.network/networks/${chainId}/suggestedGasFees`)).data;
const tip = web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei(parseFloat(suggest.medium.suggestedMaxPriorityFeePerGas).toFixed(9), "gwei"));
const fee = web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei(parseFloat(suggest.medium.suggestedMaxFeePerGas).toFixed(9), "gwei"));
// FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction
let txData = {
nonce: 3,
from: address,
to: "0x6D5fCEd0C74F22a1B145ef48B25527Ce9BF829bF",
value: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei("0.1", "ether")),
maxPriorityFeePerGas: tip,
maxFeePerGas: fee,
gasLimit: 21000,
type: "0x02",
const unsigned = FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.fromTxData(txData, {common});
const sign = await ecdsa.sign(endpoint, params, unsigned.getMessageToSign());
console.log("tx sign: ", sign);
txData.v = "0x" + sign.v.toString(16);
txData.r = "0x" + sign.r.toString("hex");
txData.s = "0x" + sign.s.toString("hex");
console.log("tx data: ", txData);
let tx = FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.fromTxData(txData, {common});
// or use signTx
txData = {
chainId: chainId,
nonce: 0, // use 0 for new tx or specific nonce for speed up|cancel
from: address,
to: "0x6D5fCEd0C74F22a1B145ef48B25527Ce9BF829bF",
value: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei("0.1", "ether")),
maxPriorityFeePerGas: tip,
maxFeePerGas: fee,
gasLimit: 21000,
type: 2,
txData = await ecdsa.signTx(endpoint, params, txData);
tx = TransactionFactory.fromTxData(txData);
console.log("sender address: ", tx.getSenderAddress().toString());
web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction('0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex'))
.on('transactionHash', function (hash) {
console.log("transactionHash: ", hash);
.on('receipt', function (receipt) {
console.log("receipt: ", receipt);
.on('confirmation', function (confirmationNumber, receipt) {
console.log("confirmation number: ", confirmationNumber, "receipt: ", receipt);
.on('error', console.error);
import {encodePubkey, makeAuthInfoBytes, makeSignBytes, makeSignDoc, Registry} from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
import {fromBase64, toBech32, toBase64} from '@cosmjs/encoding';
import {encodeSecp256k1Signature, pubkeyToAddress} from '@cosmjs/amino';
import {coins, StargateClient} from '@cosmjs/stargate';
import {sha256} from '@cosmjs/crypto';
import {TxRaw} from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/tx';
(async () => {
const ecdsa = Ecdsa.gen(endpoint, params);
const pubKey = {
type: 'tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1',
value: toBase64(ecdsa.pub()),
const address = pubkeyToAddress(pubKey, 'cosmos');
console.log('address: ', address);
const rpc = 'https://rpc.state-sync-02.theta-testnet.polypore.xyz';
const client = await StargateClient.connect(rpc);
console.log(await client.getBalance(address, 'uatom'));
const registry = new Registry();
const txBodyFields = {
typeUrl: '/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody',
value: {
messages: [
typeUrl: '/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend',
value: {
fromAddress: address,
toAddress: 'cosmos1kwhnvngx9f90lykp5acpfu2l0j9xv5w77l7sp6',
amount: [
denom: 'uatom',
amount: '1000',
const txBodyBytes = registry.encode(txBodyFields);
let accountNumber, sequence;
try {
const seqRes = await client.getSequence(address);
console.log('seqRes: ', seqRes);
accountNumber = seqRes.accountNumber;
sequence = seqRes.sequence;
} catch (e) {
accountNumber = 16;
sequence = 0;
const authInfoBytes = makeAuthInfoBytes([{pubkey: encodePubkey(pubKey), sequence}], coins(2000, 'uatom'), 200000);
const chainId = await client.getChainId();
const signDoc = makeSignDoc(txBodyBytes, authInfoBytes, chainId, accountNumber);
const message = sha256(makeSignBytes(signDoc));
let signature = await ecdsa.sign(endpoint, authParams, message);
signature = encodeSecp256k1Signature(ecdsa.pub(), new Uint8Array([...signature.r, ...signature.s]));
console.log('signature: ', signature);
const txRaw = TxRaw.fromPartial({
bodyBytes: txBodyBytes,
authInfoBytes: authInfoBytes,
signatures: [fromBase64(signature.signature)],
const txRawBytes = Uint8Array.from(TxRaw.encode(txRaw).finish());
const res = await client.broadcastTx(txRawBytes);
console.log('res: ', res);
import * as TronWeb from 'tronweb';
(async () => {
const ecdsa = Ecdsa.gen(endpoint, params);
const addressHex = "0x" + publicToAddress(ecdsa.pub(), true).toString("hex");
const tronWeb = new TronWeb({fullHost: 'https://nile.trongrid.io'})
const address = tronWeb.address.fromHex(addressHex);
console.log("address:", addressHex, address);
const tx = await ecdsa.signTronTx(endpoint, authParams, {
chainId: 3448148188,
from: addressHex,
to: '0x6D5fCEd0C74F22a1B145ef48B25527Ce9BF829bF',
value: web3.utils.toHex(1000000),
console.log('tx: ', tx); // hex tx data
import {decryptData, encryptData, generateKey} from "@particle-network/thresh-sig";
(async () => {
const key = await generateKey('some password', 'some salt');
const ciphertext = await encryptData('some text', key);
const decrypted = await decryptData(ciphertext, key);
console.log('key: ', key, 'ciphertext: ', ciphertext, 'decrypted: ', decrypted);