Runalyze is a web application for analyzing your training - more detailed than any other sports diary.
Runalyze is mainly developed by laufhannes and mipapo.
We provide two different documentations:
- - faq for users
- - docs for admins/developers
- Installation - tutorial in german here
- Update
- Checkout
- Contributing
Both documentations have their own repos: docs and admin-docs. In addition, there's our runalyze-playground to play around with some new ideas. Feel free to contribute there.
Runalyze v2.1+ requires composer and
some future version will require npm,
bower (sudo npm install -g bower
) and
grunt (sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
). Some branches already do so.
To install dependencies and build for v2.1+:
composer install --prefer-dist
php build/build.php translations
To install dependencies and build for a version with grunt:
composer install --prefer-dist
bower install
npm install
Still, we don't have any automated migration script for the database so far.
You have to apply recent changes from the respective update files in inc/install/
by hand.
- see #952
- v2.3, 11.12.2015: minor release (dataset refactoring, new running dynamics, ...)
- warning: migration from v2.2 to v2.3 requires
- v2.3.1, 16.12.2015: minor bugfixes
- v2.2, 28.10.2015: minor release (equipment for all sports, imperial units, ...)
- If you're updating from 2.1.* directly use v2.2.1 for updating
- warning: migration from v2.1 to v2.2 requires
- [v2.2.1] (, 18.11.2015: minor bugfixes
- [v2.2.2] (, 10.12.2015: minor bugfixes
- v2.1, 19.07.2015: minor release (running dynamics, new importers, recovery time ...)
- v2.1.1, 22.10.2015: minor bugfixes
- v2.0, 28.02.2015: first mutlilingual major release
- warning: migration from v1.5 to v2.0 requires
(see v2.0alpha, v2.0beta) - v2.0.1, 13.03.2015: minor bugfixes
- v2.0.2, 24.03.2015: minor bugfixes
- v2.0.3, 05.06.2015: minor bugfixes
- v2.0.4, 17.07.2015: minor bugfixes
- old versions (german only)
- v1.5, 01.01.2014: bugfixes, improved vdot formula
- v1.4, 23.08.2013: bugfix for security issue
- v1.3, 29.07.2013: new importer, more data, vdot correction by elevation, ...
- v1.2, 13.11.2012: save plots, share activity list
- v1.1, 19.07.2012: first online version
- v1.0, 20.01.2012: first public version
- Icons
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
- Forecast Font by Ali Sisk
- Icons8 Font by VisualPharm
- Elevation data from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
- SRTM tiles grabbed via Derek Watkins
- SRTM files by International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
- SRTMGeoTIFFReader by Bob Osola
- jQuery by jQuery Foundation, Inc.
- Bootstrap Tooltip by Twitter, Inc.
- Flot by IOLA and Ole Laursen
- Leaflet by Vladimir Agafonkin
- FineUploader by Widen Enterprises, Inc.
- Tablesorter by Christian Bach
- Datepicker by Stefan Petre
- Chosen by Patrick Filler for Harvest
- FontIconPicker by Alessandro Benoit & Swashata Ghosh
- Miscellaneaous
- phpFastCache by Khoa Bui
- Garmin Communicator by Garmin Ltd.
- Weather data from OpenWeatherMap Inc.