
View + update google sheets from React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Google Sheets App

View and edit a google sheet from React Native.

Running the App

  • Clone this repo, then navigate to the proper directory
  • If you already have a .env file and a google sheets, you can skip these steps:
    • You may need to follow this guide to set up the dev environment
    • Follow this guide to set up a Google service account
    • Create a google sheets, share it with the Google service email, and make sure it is an editor
    • Set environment variables GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY, and SPREADSHEET_ID to the service account's email, private key, and google sheet id respectively
    • Optionally, add a PORT environment variable to change the port of the node server
  • Ensure the .env file is named correctly. It cannot be env, but must be .env
  • npm install
  • npm run start
  • In a separate window, do npm run android or npm run ios