
python binding for git command

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Fully git command binding for python, compatible with all git and python 2 & 3 version.


pip install gitbinding


from gitbinding import Git

git = Git(path = None, direct_output = True)
working directory, None = use current directory.

if direct_output set to False, the output is redirect to command/function return.

now you can run any git command like git.init(), git.clone("gitrepo destination"), git.commit(), git.push(),git.config() etc.

git command with "-" can be replaced with "_" like git rev-parse to git.rev_parse()

you can also put git command argument in separate function args like git.clone("gitrepo","destination").

when git.clone() finished without error, the path will automatic move to clone destination.

change git bin

to change git binary location, use:

git.gitbin = "path/to/git/binary"