
CiviCRM (Core Application and Framework)

Primary LanguagePHP

README file for CiviCRM
1. About
2. Installation
3. Documentation
4. Support
5. Development

1. About
CiviCRM is a constituent relationship management system designed to
meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups.
It is an open source project, licensed under GNU AGPL 3, and
coordinated by CiviCRM LLC. The project website is https://civicrm.org/

CiviCRM is released as a module that runs within the Drupal, Joomla,
and WordPress content management systems.

2. Installation
The download URLs and installation instructions are available on our

Installation instruction can be found on the wiki:

3. Documentation
Documentation, as well as the project bug tracker and mailing lists,
can be found at https://civicrm.org/ Just click on the appropriate link.

Our main documentation site is the CiviCRM wiki:

4. Support
Answers for users, administrators & integrators:

Paid support available from

5. Development
Developers are highly encouraged to join the CiviCRM forums and post
questions and ideas on the Developer Discussion board:

Installing the latest developmental code requires some special steps. Full
instructions are on the wiki:

Report all issues to CiviCRM via JIRA: