guanjihuan's Following
- LLM-Red-Team
- QuantumEspressoWrocław
- pranabdasSingapore
- ollama
- thBoo39
- apeishuai
- eth-nn-physics
- linuxserver
- deepmodeling
- EverettYouUniversity of California San Diego
- jupyterThe Future
- sylearn南京大学
- linqyuan
- FlagAI-OpenUnited States of America
- jincao2013
- WybxcPeking University
- wangshusenNew Jersey, USA
- signalappEverywhere and nowhere
- microsoftRedmond, WA
- shadowsocks
- xiaoyou66@bytedance
- marcobnUniversity of North Texas
- oceanbaseBeijing
- greyliDell
- yuhldr河南驻马店、甘肃兰州
- parkman-auexBeijing
- holoviz
- cndaqiangIOP, CAS
- shengbinyuCogenda
- stecue
- weijie-chenHelsinki/Warsaw
- aromanroInvictus Wings SRL
- yxli8023Beijing Institute of Technology
- philophysics
- shiwenwen
- whiteadUniversity of Rochester/FutureHouse