
Awesome Caffe

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Awesome Caffe Awesome

This page contains a curated list of awesome Caffe examples, tutorials and blogs. It is inspired by awesome-php and awesome-machine-learning.


If you want to contribute to this list and the examples, please open a new pull request, or send e-mails to (service@caffecn.cn).

Table of Contents



1. Tutorials

2. Vision

2.1 Image Classification

2.2 Object Detection

2.3 Image Segmentation

2.4 Face Detection / Recognition / Verification

2.5 Action Recognition

2.6 Object Tracking

2.7 Scene Classification

2.8 Image Super-resolution

2.9 Images Generation

2.10 Self-driving

5. Building Blocks

5.1 Initialization

5.2 Activation Function


6. Tools

6.1 Converter

6.2 Labeling

6.3 Parameter Search

6.4 Visualization

6.5 Mobile Platform

6.6 Intel and AMD

6.7 Distributed computing

6.8 Net Builder