
An EOS smart contract that demo how to implement message processing of action, how to use auto increment primary key in table and how to send action to another contract.

Primary LanguageC++



A very simple smart contract of EOS, to demo action processing: when received donation message, issue 10x CHC (Charity Token) to donater.

  1. 转账时消息通知、处理机制

    Message notificaiton and handling mechanism when transfer token via eosio.token contract

  2. 持久化存储

    Persistent storage

  3. 合约内调用另一个合约的接口

    Call action of another smart contract


3 points for reference:

  1. 修改EOSIO_ABI,使其能够处理转发过来的通知消息。

    Modify EOSIO_ABI macro, to handle the notification sent by eosio.token contract

extern "C" { \
   void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \
      auto self = receiver; \
      if( action == N(onerror)) { \
         /* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
         eosio_assert(code == N(eosio), "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
      } \
      if( ((code == self && action != N(transfer) ) || (code == N(eosio.token) && action == N(transfer)) || action == N(onerror)) ) { \
         TYPE thiscontract( self ); \
         switch( action ) { \
            EOSIO_API( TYPE, MEMBERS ) \
         } \
         /* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
      } \
   } \
  1. 使用自增主键

    Auto increment primary key

    trans_table.emplace(_self, [&](auto &s) {
        s.id = trans_table.available_primary_key();
        s.from = from;
        s.to = to;
        s.quantity = quantity;
        s.memo = memo;
  1. 要使合约内部可以调用另一个合约的接口,对应的账号必须增加contract@eosio.code的授权   本例需要charity对自己active权限增加charity@eosio.code的授权

    To enable the function that a smart contract to call another contract action interface, the caller account should grant the permission to the smart contract (contract@eosio.code)

    cleos set account permission charity active '{"threshold": 1,"keys": [{"key": "EOS7ijWCBmoXBi3CgtK7DJxentZZeTkeUnaSDvyro9dq7Sd1C3dC4","weight": 1}],"accounts": [{"permission":{"actor":"charity","permission":"eosio.code"},"weight":1}]}' owner -p charity


For more information of eosio.code, please refer to EOSIO/eos#3050