- 3
dependency with gems that are not required
#553 opened by tamiradari - 2
- 1
cannot start from state :stopped (ArgumentError)
#580 opened by AlexB52 - 1
Managing listener lifecycle
#570 opened by christopher-b - 2
ignore `node_modules` by default
#560 opened by masterkain - 0
Replace Hound with GitHub Action
#516 opened by KapilSachdev - 1
- 0
"Conflict: The following destination is shared by multiple files." even when there shouldn't be a conflict
#571 opened by thomasdn - 6
Move `#warn` calls from Kernel to Logger
#572 opened by AlexB52 - 1​
#576 opened by Tawan2017 - 1
- 4
- 0
Readme tells users to provide a way too high value for `fs.inotify.max_user_watches`
#568 opened by dhs-rec - 6
Disable recursion under Linux
#556 opened by sebbASF - 1
- 6
Build tests failing on GNU Guix - Listen 3.7.1
#558 opened by tang0n - 3
Automatic file reloading stopped working
#559 opened by asfarley - 14
How to pause while responding to file changes?
#549 opened by beechnut - 0
- 5
Getting ERROR -- : Exception rescued in _process_changes: on an exception raise in the block
#547 opened by github0013 - 12
listen should not be hidden
#530 opened by dvodvo - 3
Ignore emacs editor temp file.
#543 opened by zw963 - 3
Error when renaming folder
#548 opened by simon1tan - 3
Is `unpause` still valid?
#550 opened by ls5302 - 11
Error when using mac M1 running native arm
#539 opened by uxxman - 1
DSPACE MIRAGE2 [WARNING] ERROR: Error installing C:\Users\...\.m2\repository\rubygem s\rb-inotify\0.10.1\rb-inotify-0.10.1.gem:
#499 opened by arrepol1976 - 1
Not working in GrapeAPI
#468 opened by masong2012 - 4
linux driver can abort the enclosing process
#509 opened by ColinDKelley - 13
run() in thread failed: undefined method `callback!' for nil:NilClass on FreeBSD
#475 opened by trombik - 1
don't rescue/log process exit or failure exceptions: SystemExit, SystemStackError, NoMemoryError, SecurityError, SignalException
#533 opened by ColinDKelley - 3
Listen doesn't install in Ruby 3.0
#534 opened by mbaudis - 1
Failing bundle install on ruby3.0.0.p0
#528 opened by 0xdf0xdf - 8
- 2
copy large files(over 1GB)
#520 opened by floodico - 4
- 4
Rubocop Usage
#504 opened by KapilSachdev - 1
listener.stop fails with undefined method `alive?' for nil:NilClass if called before started
#513 opened by ColinDKelley - 5
application exceptions raised from the callback will break listening in the process
#505 opened by ColinDKelley - 3
unit tests failing sometimes on TruffleRuby
#507 opened by ColinDKelley - 3
Listen to gets stuck in infinite loop
#500 opened by SpringsTea - 1
Linux backend can hang at startup on sleep in Listen::Event::Loop#_wait_until_resumed
#481 opened by ColinDKelley - 7
Any plans for Ruby 3.0 compatibility?
#501 opened by poudelprakash - 5
- 0
logging should be unified
#497 opened by ColinDKelley - 4
Ruby 3 support
#489 opened by yahonda - 1
- 1
- 2
Support darwin20 / macOS Big Sur
#478 opened by christiankn - 10
Memory leaks when using Listener#stop
#476 opened by jonathanhefner - 2