- 6
inotify event queue has overflowed
#111 opened by taq - 0
Feature request - filter paths in :recursive mode
#108 opened by sebbASF - 5
- 0
Upgrading old application from Ruby 1.8.7 to 2.7.4, getting error about RUBY_ENGINE in ffi
#106 opened by seanleblanc - 0
Compiled C Extension Non-FFI Tools?
#105 opened by metaskills - 10
Starting Rails Server fails on Raspberry PI 3 B+
#94 opened by ultrasam - 21
ERROR -- : run() in thread failed: stream closed:\n rb-inotify-0.9.8/lib/rb-inotify/notifier.rb:304:in `readpartial'
#61 opened by ioquatix - 4
- 4
- 3
- 0
- 0
Update ruby-ffi version
#97 opened by mnightwardskytap - 13
Requires reregistering of watchers
#18 opened by petur03 - 5
- 12
- 15
Too many open files - Failed to initialize inotify: the user limit on the total number of inotify instances has been reached.
#23 opened by cordawyn - 3
New child directory not being watched
#75 opened by phuonglm - 4
Cycles of symlinks cause infinite loop/recursion
#21 opened by akerbos - 1
Event not fired on Deletion of file from GUI
#45 opened by puneet24 - 47
Better coordination/shared organisation
#66 opened by ioquatix - 11
Build failure on JRuby
#81 opened by ioquatix - 1
- 4
Allows versions of ffi (1.9.22, 1.9.23) that throw SIGABRT (RHEL/Centos) or Segfault (MacOS)
#86 opened by msducheminjr - 1
Test on 2.6
#90 opened by ioquatix - 1
Strange behavior of :delete_self
#83 opened by fsobanski - 0
Activating watchers
#82 opened by fsobanski - 3
- 23
Breaking change in 0.9.9 from 0.9.8
#68 opened by pagameba - 4
- 10
- 0
Propotal: Unit test?
#62 opened by junaruga - 0
Closing notifier in watch-callback leads to error
#41 opened by njam - 1
- 3
Add License information to Gemspec
#34 opened by coreyhaines - 7
Possible "watcher" leak
#32 opened by amoghe - 1
rb-inotify does not work well with Foreman
#36 opened by mufid - 1
License missing from gemspec
#28 opened by bf4 - 1
Compass watch crashes on rb-inotify.
#29 opened by criography - 3
- 1
Multiple event when file created
#30 opened by kubido - 1
Strange results when watching a single file
#25 opened by SamSaffron - 0
Wishlist: non-callback interface
#12 opened by telent - 1
Depreciation warning
#19 opened by dakimaru - 3
Ruby 1.9.2: notifier.rb throws exception if non UTF-8 characters are in filenames
#16 opened by dorra - 2
- 0
#9 opened by thibaudgg - 1
Permissions broken
#8 opened by danielsreichenbach - 3
unhandled EINTR
#7 opened - 3
Watcher stopping after error
#6 opened by jvalrog - 9