
Physical delivery of Guardian Weekly and Home Delivery papers

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Fulfilment refers to the process of delivering physical paper to subscribers. Fulfilment files are CSVs with the following columns

Guardian Weekly

      1 "Subscriber ID"
      2 "Name"
      3 "Company name"
      4 "Address 1"
      5 "Address 2"
      6 "Address  3"
      7 "Country"
      8 "Post code"
      9 "Copies"

Home Delivery

      1 "Customer Reference"
      2 "Contract ID"
      3 "Customer Full Name"
      4 "Customer Job Title"
      5 "Customer Company"
      6 "Customer Department"
      7 "Customer Address Line 1"
      8 "Customer Address Line 2"
      9 "Customer Address Line 3"
     10 "Customer Town"
     11 "Customer PostCode"
     12 "Delivery Quantity"
     13 "Customer Telephone"
     14 "Property type"
     15 "Front Door Access"
     16 "Door Colour"
     17 "House Details"
     18 "Where to Leave"
     19 "Landmarks"
     20 "Additional Information"
     21 "Letterbox"
     22 "Source campaign"
     23 "Sent Date"
     24 "Delivery Date"
     25 "Returned Date"
     26 "Delivery problem"
     27 "Delivery problem notes"
     28 "Charge day"

The fulfilment files are generated on a schedule from Zuora by an AWS stack and then uploaded to Salesforce Documents.

image State machine FulfilmentStateMachinePROD-6GIFG3TX23IP

Fallback mechanism

Fulfilment files are generated every day not only for the next delivery date, but also for further dates in advance. This way if Zuora fails to export data, then we still have a fulfilment file to fallback on although it might be few days out-of-date.

Generation schedule

The specific rules will vary depending on the particular product and target day of delivery (see sections below) but in general each fulfilment file will be first generated and replaced daily with an updated version until the final version is uploaded.

Home Delivery Schedule

Home Delivery files will be generated Monday to Friday at 7:00 GMT (see cloudwatch rule) Each time 5 files will be generated for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days into the future.

Upload to salesforce is triggered manually by calling our fulfilment api from a salesforce UI that allows to download one or multiple files. In most cases a file is uploaded to salesforce the day before delivery. Exceptions to this are fridays when files are uploaded for the next 3 days, and bank holidays. Our fulfilment partner aims to download the file(s) at 7:45 GMT, and we should aim to ensure that files are generated by then.

Guardian Weekly Schedule

Guardian Weekly files are generated every day at 2:00 GMT (see cloudwatch rule). Each time a set of fulfilment files for all regions is generated for the next Friday that is at least 8 days away. This guarantees that we only generate files that have not been uploaded to salesforce yet.

Guardian Weekly files will be automatically uploaded to salesforce (via the weekly-fulfilmentUploader lambda) every Thursday at 11:00 GMT (see cloudwatch rule). Files are uploaded a week in advance, so each Thursday the uploaded files are not the ones used for delivery the next day but the Friday on the following week.

To check fulfilment files ready for third parties to collect

You need to be in Salesforce Classic.
Then 'Documents' > 'Home Delivery Pipeline Fulfilment' or 'Guardian Weekly ({region})'

Testing changes to ZOQL queries

Using Postman, the https://rest.zuora.com/v1/batch-query/ API call can be used to trial new queries.
See the API documentation for details.

An example JSON body to the endpoint:

  "format": "gzip",
  "version": "1.1",
  "name": "test",
  "encrypted": "none",
  "useQueryLabels": "true",
  "dateTimeUtc": "true",
  "queries": [
      "name": "hd_subs_fulfil",
      "query": "ZOQL query goes here!",
      "type": "zoqlexport"

Querying this endpoint will produce a job in Zuora which takes about 5 minutes to run. The produced CSV file can be found here. To navigate from the dashboard, click your profile avatar in the top right corner, select 'Reporting' in the dropdown Menu, then select 'AQuA Job Finder' and there will be a list of recently executed jobs.

Testing in CODE

  1. Deploy your branch to CODE using riffraff
  2. Go to the step functions section in AWS
  3. Copy the input from one of the existing e.g.
  "deliveryDateDaysFromNow": 5,
  "type": "homedelivery"


  "type": "weekly",
  "deliveryDayOfWeek": "friday",
  "minDaysInAdvance": 8
  1. create a new execution and call it what you like, and pass in the json
  2. wait for it to finish
  3. check that the fulfilment files appeared in S3 fulfilment-export-code/fulfilment_output

Skipping TeamCity for quicker development feedback loop in CODE

  1. Set "uploadArtefact": false, at the root of package.json which disables automatic upload of the zipped artefact
  2. Simulate TC build by creating yarn script which
    "mario": "yarn install && yarn check && yarn flow && yarn compile && yarn dist && yarn riffraff"
  3. Execute with yarn mario
  4. Artefact is created under fulfilment-lambdas/target/riffraff/fulfilment-lambdas/fulfilment-lambdas.zip
  5. Manually upload lambda function code to CODE via AWS Console
  6. Run step function
  7. Check S3 bucket

Validating deployment to PROD

  1. Best to do it on Friday after Guardian Weekly was uploaded on Thursday, and Home Delivery was uploaded on Friday for the next three days in advance.
  2. Backup current fulfilment files in AWS
    aws s3 sync s3://fulfilment-export-prod . --profile membership
  3. Deploy branch to PROD
  4. Cloudform if necessary
  5. Run GW step function
      "type": "weekly",
      "deliveryDayOfWeek": "friday",
      "minDaysInAdvance": 8
  6. Run HD step funcion
      "deliveryDateDaysFromNow": 1,
      "type": "homedelivery"
  7. Download a GW fulfilment file for next week after step function completed
  8. Download HD file for next day after step function completed
  9. Diff the files with corresponding ones from backup
  10. Merge to PROD


  1. Rollback to old template if necessary
  2. Deploy current main branch
  3. Re-run stepfunctions
  4. Check files against backup


System Name Description
AWS Step QueryZuora querier.js Creates a query job in Zuora which takes several minutes to complete
AWS Step FetchResults fetcher.js Fetches query job and exports results to a CSV file, then uploads it to S3 with path fulfilment-export-prod/zuoraExport
AWS Step GenerateFulfilmentFiles exporter.js Fetches the previously uploaded CSV file and generates the fulfilment files, uploading them to S3 with path fulfilment-export-prod/fulfilments
AWS Lambda salesforce_uploader salesforce_uploader.js uploads Home Delivery; behind fulfilment-api
AWS Lambda weekly-fulfilmentUploader /weekly/salesforce_uploader.js uploads Guardian Weekly; triggered on a schedule. Takes previously generated fulfilment files from S3 and uploads them to salesforce
AWS S3 zuoraExport Raw zuora CSV export (https://www.zuora.com/apps/BatchQuery.do)
AWS S3 zuoraExport/Subscriptions_* Home Delivery raw export
AWS S3 zuoraExport/HolidaySuspensions_* Home Delivery holiday suspension
AWS S3 zuoraExport/WeeklyIntroductoryPeriods_* Guardian Weekly 6-for-6 subscriptions raw
AWS S3 zuoraExport/WeeklySubscriptions_* Guardian Weekly regular subscriptions raw
AWS S3 zuoraExport/WeeklyHolidaySuspensions_* Guardian Weekly holiday suspensions raw
AWS S3 fulfilments Guardian Weekly clean with holidays filtered out
AWS S3 fulfilment_output Home Delivery clean with holidays filtered out
AWS S3 uploaded Home Delivery manually uploaded files to SF
AWS API fulfilment-api API hit by SF to manually trigger upload of Home Delivery via salesforce_uploader.js
SF Documents Home_Delivery_Pipeline_Fulfilment Folder where Home Delivery CSV is manually uploaded via 'Home Delivery Reports' page
SF Documents Guardian Weekly (REGION) Folder where Guardian weekly CSV is automatically uploaded on a schedule
SF Documents weekly_sample_files (UAT only) Folder where Guardian weekly CSV is automatically uploaded on a schedule
SF Page Home Delivery Reports Page where CSR can manually trigger upload of Home Delivery CSV
SF User Fulfilment User API Credentials for upload to SF are in gu-reader-revenue-private/membership/fulfilment-lambdas

Running Locally

FIXME: Is this still working?

Each lambda can be run locally using the appropriate yarn run: command. This uses lambda-local to emulate the AWS environment. Note: A specific build is referenced in package.json as there is a bug in lambda-local regarding aws credentials that hasn't been fixed in the main branch

To install dependencies for running locally:

yarn install
yarn dist

And to transpile the lambdas:

yarn compile

This will transpile any ES6/7 into javascript which will run on the Node environment of AWS.