
.NET Core E-mail client library.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


.NET Core E-mail client library.


The client works with port 465 or port 587 E-mail servers.


string serverResult = await GuardRex.RexMail.Message.Send(
    string name, 
    string email, 
    string phone, 
    string department, 
    string message, 
    string server, 
    int port, 
    string smtpServerAccountName, 
    string smtpServerUsername, 
    string smtpServerPassword, 
    string destinationName, 
    string destinationEmail, 
    string destinationSubjectLine);


serverResult Code Server Response
x000 The server response was empty
x001 The server responded with fewer than 3 characters
xyyy The server responded with a code (yyy) that doesn't match the success code expected

Version History

Version Changes Made
1.0.0 Initial Release