
jawk (JSON awk) is intended to be a awk like tool for JSON data and streams.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stuff to fix fast

For this v0 we are running on one json entity per line. This need to change to, sequence of json separated by whitespace, line break or nothing at all. This problem might be better fixed using a lexer.

Dependencies: node.js


JSON documents in. JSON documents out.

Should support "one json per line" mode and "json stream" mode.

We use node to keep things fast. We should keep things as fast and simple as possible so I'll delay the use of parsers and lexers for now that things are still simple.

Extract elements

jawk 'return d.apiKey'
jawk 'return [d.apiKey, d.businessId]'
jawk 'return {apikey: d.apiKey, businessId: d.businessId}'

Modify elements

jawk 'd.apiKey = "modified"; return d'
jawk 'd.businessId += "_PRD"; return d'

For v2

AWK notation

jawk '(d.stuff=="something") { return d }'
jawk '{SUM+=d.price;} END { return "Average Price: " + SUM/NR }'