
a Deep Learning Workshop at WomxnHacks hosted by Data Science UCSB

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

WomenHacks Workshop: Intro to Deep Learning

Hosted on behalf by Data Science UCSB

Welcome to the Deep Learning Workshop! Today we will be be taking you guys through a quick intro with the MNIST dataset. You can find the slide deck here.

Here's step by step of what to do before we start!

  1. Download the correct version of Anaconda Python 3.6 here.

  2. Install it and go through the steps.

  3. Once you've completed the installation, open up terminal and execute $ pythonand check that on the top it says Anaconda like so: python

  4. Exit Python by holding control and pressing d

  5. Now let's create an anaconda virtual environment:

    $ conda create -n DSWorkshop python=3.6 It will prompt you to verify some package dependencies and whatnot, type y and hit enter.

  6. Once it's created, let's activate the environment with

    $ source activate DSWorkshop

  7. Now let's clone this workshop repo! Go ahead and enter this:

    cd ~/Desktop
    git clone https://github.com/calvin-is-seksy/womenHacksWorkshop.git
    cd womenHacksWorkshop
  8. Let's install our packages! go ahead and run

    $ conda install --yes --file requirements.txt It will again prompt you to verify some package dependencies and whatnot, type y and hit enter.

    NOTE: If this step doesn't work at all, run this:

    $ conda install keras
    $ conda install matplotlib
    $ conda install jupyter
  9. Do this for some safekeeping stuff just trust me on this:


  10. We're good to go! Let's open up a jupyter notebook. Run this:

    $ jupyter notebook

  11. Let's create a new notebook!


  12. Now let's have some fun :)