
Util files to configure some Linux applications and tools

Primary LanguageVim script

Personal config files

Scripts to set up my preferable terminal shell and vim editor configuration.


To use this scripts, you must have properly running/installed in your machine:

  • Vim - Text Editor;
  • Bundle - Plug-in Manager for Vim;
  • Zsh and Oh-My-Zsh - Powerful Shell and its most popular framework;
  • tmux - terminal multiplexer;
  • Nerd-fonts - Complete fonts and icons collection;

Getting started

Download or clone this repository into your machine. To get the same result as mine, you probably should install other packages, as nvm or git-flow. But all the files are highly customizable, feel free to check their respective documentations on the Internet and adjust it regarding your style and needs.

Running the code

Place the .tmux.conf, .vimrc and .zshrc files into the user directory root: ~/ . The .editorconfig into the ~/.vim directory. And the alias.zsh, you can place into ~/.oh-my-zsh/lib, as I'm doing. But once again, you can do it differently, only remember to change the filepath on .zshrc.

Soon I'm going to attach some screenshots of my terminal. Yes, I know it's important (:

Every time you update some file (.vimrc doesn't fit here, for more information about how to update it, read Vundle docs), "reload" it running the following command:

source $file_path

or just close and open the terminal again;