This project serves as an example of our styleguide
The structure is inspired by cookiecutter-django and modified based on our experience with Django.
Few important things:
- Linux / Ubuntu is our primary OS and things are tested for that. It will mostly not work on Mac & certainly not work on Windows.
- It uses Postgres as primary database.
- It comes with GitHub Actions support, based on that article
- It comes with
setup. - It can be easily deployed to Heroku.
To create Postgres database:
sudo -u postgres createdb -O your_postgres_user_here database_name_here
If you want to recreate your database, you can use the bootstrap script:
./scripts/ your_postgres_user_here
To start Celery:
celery --without-gossip --without-mingle --without-heartbeat worker -A styleguide_example.tasks -l info
To start Celery Beat:
celery -A styleguide_example.tasks beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
The project is ready to be deployed on Heroku. There's a current deployment that can be found -