
A form helper for formtastic + example template how to CRUD accepts_nested_attributes_for attributes with jQuery

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A helper method + example template on how to handle accepts_nested_attributes_for

You have to use jQuery


After install as a plugin do

./script/generate nested_edit

This will copy the images, and the js file to your project and gives you an example usage.


1. Include the javascript and stylesheet in your layout.html.erb

<%= javascript_include_tag 'nested_edit' %>

2. Put this where you want the inplace edit

<% project_form.inputs "Document Edit", :id => "document_forms" do %>
     <%= nested_edit project_form, :documents, "/admin/shared/document_fields", "Add document", Proc.new{|item| item.document.file? }  %>
<% end %>

3.   Add in your model
  has_many :documents # , :as => :attachable
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :documents, :allow_destroy => true

4. Design your own form. Sample partial view for the associated model:

Use the example template.

Copyright (c) 2010 Gudata, released under the MIT license