
A neovim plugin to google selected text

Primary LanguageLua


This is a simple plugin for Neovim that allows the user to search for selected text on the internet (think Google/DuckDuckGo). I wrote it to familiarize myself with Neovim plugins so it is purely a hobby project.


To install, simply add it to the list of plugins using your plugin manager of choice. For lazy.nvim it would look something like this:

  config = function() 
    require'searcher'.setup(opts | nil)


The default search engine is Google but it also supports easy configuration for DuckDuckGo. You can also choose some other search engine, by specifying base_url, as long as you they can be searched by appending the search string to the base_url e.g. for DuckDuckGo the base_url is http://duckduckgo.com/?q=.

parameter values default
se google | duckduckgo google
base_url nil | string nil


The plugin offers two actions Searcher (:lua require'searcher'.search()) and SearcherEdit (:lua require'searcher'.search_edit()). The former one just simply searches for what is selected by the cursor while the second allows you to edit the search before searching.

You can for example set keybindings:

vim.keymap.set('v', '<leader>ss', ':Searcher<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('v', '<leader>se', ':SearcherEdit<cr>')


The plugin makes use of the @z registry by copy-ing the last visual selection (gv) into the registry. In the case where you have nothing selected in visual mode it will simply search for the last visually selected text. You can somewhat mitigate this by only setting keybinds for visual mode.