
Carleton University Textbook Publishing System (cuTPS) project

Primary LanguageC++


//set up the server side

  1. open the CText-develop folder
  2. open the ServerSide folder
  3. open the 'cuTPSServer.pro' file
  4. it will open the QT Creator, just click 'Configure Project'
  5. Server is good

//set up the client test

  1. open the CText-develop folder
  2. open the ClientSideTest folder
  3. open the 'cuTPSTestClient.pro' file
  4. it will open the QT Creator, just click 'Configure Project'
  5. Client is god

//Run the program

  1. run the cuTPSServer on the QT
    (NOTES: when you try to run this program, there maybe an error like <QApplication/...> Can't find. If so, go to the cuTPSServer.pro, fin the line 'QT += gui' and then change the 'gui' to 'widgets')

  2. run the cuTPSTestClient on the QT
    (NOTES: when you try to run this program, there maybe an error like <QApplication/...> Can't find. If so, go to the cuTPSServer.pro, fin the line 'QT += gui' and then change the 'gui' to 'widgets')

  3. run the test case one by one, and then you can see the test case description/ expected value/ and returned value.