
A Ruby on Rails api server example

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Check the wiki for reference

API list: http://api.gdf.name/api_doc

Run the server locally

First time setup

  1. Install Ruby, Bunlder, Rails and Postgresql
  2. Create a new user in Postgresql according to tutorial
  3. Install all the necessary gems bundle install
  • Install the pg dev package for pg gem sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
  1. Go to the ROR_api_server_example project directory
  2. Create the database rails db:create
  3. Migrate the database rails db:migrate

Run the server

rails s

Run the server within Docker

  • Install all the necessary package for docker and docker-compose
  • Go to the ROR_api_server_example project directory
  • Up the server docker-compose up
  • (Optional) Run the server in background docker-compose up -d