- 10
About the difficulties of exporting onnx
#32 opened by nullhd2 - 1
- 0
How to check visulization ?
#50 opened by Abhijeet241093 - 0
- 9
Custom datasets
#27 opened by mouxinyue1 - 2
- 0
- 0
value of N
#44 opened by Howie86 - 8
Why using meta-epoch training paradigm
#18 opened by DonaldRR - 5
Increase hyperparameter N
#19 opened by rvermeire - 1
- 3
Error when use resnet50 as feature extractor
#30 opened by Howeng98 - 0
Did the encoder training parameters setting in the paper refer to the pretrain parameters setting of the encoder?
#42 opened by Howie86 - 2
Did the encoder training parameters setting in the paper refer to the pretrain parameters setting of the encoder?
#41 opened by Howie86 - 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
Tune parameters to get best results.
#31 opened by Tekno-H - 1
Calculate detection AUROC from anomaly map
#29 opened by Howeng98 - 1
Inference speed increase with the time
#28 opened by mjack3 - 5
heat map visualization
#7 opened by OzanErcan6 - 0
- 9
Improper normalization of the scores?
#24 opened by marco-rudolph - 1
Detection AUROC and segmentation AUROC behavior
#25 opened by mjack3 - 2
Negative Log Sigmoid Log Likelihood Loss?
#23 opened by marco-rudolph - 1
Calculate detection AUROC
#22 opened by jpmrs1313 - 2
RuntimeError: Cannot insert a Tensor that requires grad as a constant. Consider making it a parameter or input, or detaching the gradient
#21 opened by volkov-maxim - 3
About detection speed
#20 opened by xfby2016 - 1
Why num channels is divided here?
#17 opened by mysephi - 3
How many GPU hours are required?
#16 opened by caoyunkang - 1
- 0
The speed of train so slowly
#14 opened by gaowq2017 - 2
- 2
- 6
how to inference single image?
#11 opened by gewenpulan - 1
- 1
- 1
Under what license the project is?
#8 opened by volkov-maxim - 1
IoU Evaluation
#6 opened by ZeWang95 - 5
Large test loss, and thresholds
#4 opened by letmejoin - 1
WRN50 Transistor AUC97.99 ?
#5 opened by coordxyz - 2
- 2
- 4