
My setup for a standard python module /src source distribution. Packed full of joy with GitHub workflows, pre-commit checks, and coverage checks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code style: black pre-commit pre-commit.ci status Python package


  • Auto detect use of requirements.txt and insert into setup.cfg
  • Publish write-up on the /src layout
  • CLI tool for starting new project without cloning/using template
  • Version bump shell script

This is a template example of how I structure an initial python project.

What's included in (how to use) this template:

./src Layout

This template uses a package layout that forces the developer to have the package installed locally for testing. This is done by nesting the package modules within the src directory. The src directory is not, itself, a module and should not be referenced from imports. The benefit of this layout is that all tests are run against installed code which is closer to an actual deployment. Additionally, the developer will have the confidence that the setup.cfg is correctly including the desired modules as the tests will fail if they do not install correctly.


The configuration settings of setup.py have been moved into setup.cfg. In addition, setup.cfg contains the settings for these additional items:

  • mypy
  • coverage
  • requirements.txt (see below)

When using this template, be sure the setup.py is edited to reflect the desired [metadata] values and supported python versions.


The requirements.txt file list of required third-part libraries lives inside of the setup.cfg. This field is not reflected in this template as there are no external dependencies. To add requirements, add this to the setup.cfg with a list of libraries and option version requirements:

install_requires =


pytest is used to run tests for this template. It supports the unittest framework as well. The only requirement is that all test files be located in the ./tests directory.


Coverage is used to run pytest, measuring code coverage and exporting two reports on a successful run. coverage.xml and an html version located in coverage_html_report.

Note: As you add modules to the library you will need to edit the setup.cfg and add the module names (directory name) to the [coverage:run] list of source_pkgs.

source_pkgs =


tox is the method of choice for running unit tests. The program simplifies the task of running tests against multiple versions of python. Running all tests should be as simple as running tox at the command line. Missing interpreter versions will be skipped without error.

Note: By default a coverage percentage of 90% is required to pass. This can be adjusted as desired in the tox.ini.


The requirements-dev.in (and *.txt) includes the following for a dev environment:

  • pre-commit: Linting, formatting, and error checks on local commit
  • black: Formatter of choice, installed to allow editor to run on save
  • mypy: Type checking and linting of code in editor
  • flake8: Linting of code in PEP8 standard in editor
  • pytest: Testing framework of choice
  • coverage: Identify weak points of testing
  • tox: Run tests in isolated environments mirroring clean installs

Installed with dev requirements, pre-commit will run a series of checks against any file being committed to the local repo by git. See .pre-commit-config.yaml for a list of checks used.

Note: pre-commit install will need to be run the first time the local repo is initialized.

.github actions

pre-commit.yml: This registers a GitHub action that runs pre-commit against any pull request against main and any push to main

python-tests.yml: This registers a GitHub action that runs tests via tox on any pull request against main and any push to main. The tests are run on the lastest version of the following OS images:

  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Ubuntu

Versions and OS choices can be easily changed in this yml file.

Below is a template README

Module Name

Module Description


  • Python >= 3.6

Local developer installation

It is highly recommended to use a venv for installation. Leveraging a venv will ensure the installed dependency files will not impact other python projects.

Clone this repo and enter root directory of repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/[name]/[module_name]
$ cd [module_name]

Create and activate venv:

# Linux/MacOS
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Windows
python -m venv venv
# or
py -m venv venv

Your command prompt should now have a (venv) prefix on it.

Install editable library and development requirements:

# Linux/MacOS
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install --editable .

# Windows
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m pip install --editable .
# or
py -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
py -m pip install --editable .

Install pre-commit hooks to local repo:

pre-commit install
pre-commit autoupdate

Run tests


To exit the venv:



This repo has a Makefile with some quality of life scripts if your system supports make.

  • install : Clean all artifacts, update pip, install requirements with no updates
  • update : Clean all artifacts, update pip, update requirements, install everything
  • clean-pyc : Deletes python/mypy artifacts
  • clean-tests : Deletes tox, coverage, and pytest artifacts
  • build-dist : Build source distribution and wheel distribution
  • stats : Shows line counts of *.py code