
exia-A2 web project

Primary LanguagePHP

CESI.ei second year web project

This project was made during the second year at CESI.ei (CESI exia).

Project members


  • Laravel 5.8 (updated to Laravel 6 during the project)
  • Vue.js: for some reusable components (eg: comments, likes, ...)
  • express (for the API)


For the PHP part:

# Clone the project
git clone --recursive https://github.com/guemidiborhane/exia-bde.git
cp -v .env.example .env

docker-compose build app api
docker-compose run --rm app yarn install
docker-compose run --rm app yarn run dev

docker-compose run --rm api yarn install

for the API, assuming you already cloned the master project (which has the API as a submodule):

cd exia-bde/node-api

# Install the dependencies

# Run the server
yarn run start




Events Listing

Events index page

Events Page

Events show page


This project was made public so that other students CAN SOLVE some of their issues by seeing how we did it. NOT TO USE IT as is, so please respect this and don't try to pass it for your work.