DWTC-Geo-Parser (and Geo-Coder)

This repository contains the code for the Geoparser and Geocoder for the Dresden Web Table Corpus. It is able to classify geo entity columns for tables


You need to install following python packages:

  • redis
  • ujson
  • pyenchant

Install: pip3 install redis ujson pyenchant

In addition you need redis and sqlite3

sudo apt-get install redis-server sqlite3

To run the code you have to install redis.io and start a redis server.


After that you have to create the GeoNames index by running

# Download Geo Names Gazetteer Data
mkdir data
cd data
wget http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/allCountries.zip
unzip allCountries.zip
gzip allCountries.txt
cd ..

# Fill Redis Server with Data
./createRedisIndex.py data/allCountries.txt.gz

Redis will save a backup of the index in dwtc-geo-parser folder. The next time you start a redis server in this location the backup will be loded (which is much faster than recreating the index from allCountries.txt.gz).

To create the Wikidata class index run the wikidata_extrator. This can take a while.

cd wikidata_extractor
mvn install
java -classpath target/WikidataExtractor-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar Main
cd ..

You can download the DWTC Corpus via:

cd data
for i in $(seq -w 0 500); do wget http://wwwdb.inf.tu-dresden.de/misc/dwtc/data_feb15/dwtc-$i.json.gz; done
cd ..

Getting Started

You can test the geoparsing and geocoding by running:

./run 0-100 output.db report.html none data/dwtc-000.json.gz

Geoparsing and Geocoding

To run the the geo parser and geocoder call classify.py where selector describes the range of input tables (e.g. 0-100), destination is the location of the database for storing the results and [dump] a list of dump files of the DWTC Corpus.

./classify.py selector destination [dump]...

Classify Errors

If you have human classified data in the right format (TODO: provide example) you can denote the errors of the classification of geo columns by running the following command:

./helper.py --denote_errors human_classification database

To calculate precision, recall and F1-Measure run:

./helper.py --calculate_statistics human_classification database

Create HTML Output

You can create an HTML site which presents the output results of the geoparsing and geocoding by running:

./plot_report.py database destination

database has to by the location of the output database and destination is the path to the desired HTML page.