
Setup for creating a NodeJS server, connecting via websockets, setting up a OSC server and sending osc messages between different applications on a Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython


Note: Please make sure you are using node 16. Node 17 wont work

  1. Install packages on root folder by running npm install or yarn install.
  2. Install packages in client folder by going to /client and running npm install or yarn install.

The easy way (recommended)

In dev:

Note for devs: Make sure to go to /client and run yarn build to serve the latest changes. This will update the build at client/build, if you made changes in the source code. If you just want to run the last working build we had, go to the next step.

Run node webserver.js then in the '/' (root) folder and open https://localhost:8080 to see the project.

If you want to use a different port run node webserver.js PORT_NUMBER, ex. node webserver.js 8081

In production

If you have downloaded the Raspberry Image, you don't need to setup anything.

  1. Connect to the Wifi with name: recurBoy, the password is: recurboy
  2. Open

And you are be ready to go.

The hard way

If you would like to do the setup yourself refer to these instructions:


To configure the raspberry Pi to switch between Access Point and WLAN modes, check this guide.