
Fix CVE-2020-15228 (set-env, add-path in Github-Actions)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fix CVE-2020-15228 (set-env, add-path in Github-Actions)

This script changes lines in your github action file.

You give it a directory name, and it searches for all files with the ".sh" or ".yml" extension.

It recognizes these lines:

echo ::set-env name=FOO_BAR::$FOO_BAR
echo ::set-env name=FOO_BAR::${FOO_BAR}
echo "::set-env name=FOO_BAR::$FOO_BAR"
echo "::set-env name=FOO_BAR::${FOO_BAR}"

All lines get rewrites to



run: echo ::set-env name=FOO_BAR::"${GITHUB_SHA::8},dev-${GITHUB_SHA::8}"


run: echo "FOO_BAR=${GITHUB_SHA::8},dev-${GITHUB_SHA::8}" >> $GITHUB_ENV


You can apply this script directly like this. All ".sh" and ".yml" files in "your_repo/.github/workflows" get updated.

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guettli/fix-CVE-2020-15228/main/fix_CVE_2020_15228.py | python3 - your_repo/.github/workflows

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TODO: add-path

I don't have any working example of add-path. Up to now this does not get updated.

If you tell me the desired transformation, then I can add it. Thank you.