Contest Advisor

Contest Advisor is a tool to provide programming contest creation, automatic problemset selection and contest standings using problems from Codeforces (soon other Online Judges will be available).

  • To use it you will only need to login with your Google Account and start creating contests providing the users who are going to participate, the topics of the problems you want to consider, the number of problems and let the platform select the best problemset for you according to the data provided.

  • Also, it is possible to follow the contest standings as an anonymous user, without login into the platform. So, only the one who is going to prepare the contest 🔧 must have an account for it, the competitors can focus on solve the problems selected 💻

Problem Selection

The Problem Selection feature provide an automatic way to select a problemset for a group of users and topics known beforehand. By balanced, we mean a problemset that will be fun for all the users that it is destined to, in other words, the less experienced user will be capable to solve some problems, practicing, having fun and learn and also the most experienced ones will be challenged with the chosen set.

So, everyone wins 🎉

Important links: