
Module to provision aro on azure

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Azure Red Hat OpenShift module

Module Overview

Module creates an Azure RedHat OpenShift (ARO) cluster. It includes the following resources:

  • terraform-util-clis (to setup CLI utils for build)
  • random_domain
  • terraform-azure-resource-group (to create a resource group for the ARO cluster)
  • null_resource_aro (creates and destroys the cluster)

Software dependencies

  • terraform CLI >= 1.2.6
  • Azure CLI (az) >= 2.39.0

Terraform providers

  • Terraform >= 0.15.0
  • Azure provider >= 3.0.0

Module dependencies

This module makes use of the output from other modules:

  • Azure Resource Group = github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-resource-group
  • Azure VNet - github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-vnet
  • Azure Subnets - github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-subnets


Option 1 - Use a service principal

The service principal needs the following roles assigned

  • In the active directory, application and user administrator permissions

    • User Administrator

      1. From the Azure Active Directory page, go to Roles and administrators.
      2. Find user administrators
      3. Add assignment
    • Application administrator

      1. Select the created service principal and assign role
      2. Find Application administrator
      3. Add assignment
      4. Select the created service principal and assign role
  • In the subscription, application and user administrator

    • User Administrator

      1. Go to the subscription page.
      2. Select Access Control (IAM)
      3. Review Role assignments
      4. Add role (+ Add)
      5. Select "Add role assignment"
      6. Search for User Access Administrator
      7. Go to Members
      8. Select Members (+ Select Members)
      9. Choose the service principal
      10. Review and assign
    • Application Administrator

      1. Go to the subscription page.
      2. Select Access Control (IAM)
      3. Review Role assignments
      4. Add role (+ Add)
      5. Select "Add role assignment"
      6. Search for Application Administrator
      7. Go to Members
      8. Select Members (+ Select Members)
      9. Choose the service principal
      10. Review and assign

Option 2 - Login with your own user

Functionality to support using your own user will be provided in a future release.

Example Usage

module "resource_group" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-resource-group"

  resource_group_name = "mytest-rg"
  region              = var.region

module "vnet" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-vnet"

  name_prefix         = "mytest"
  resource_group_name = module.resource_group.name
  region              = module.resource_group.region
  address_prefixes    = [""]

module "worker-subnet" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-subnets"

  resource_group_name = module.resource_group.name
  region              = module.resource_group.region
  vnet_name           = module.vnet.name
  label               = "worker"
  ipv4_cidr_blocks    = [""]
  acl_rules           = []
  service_endpoints   = ["Microsoft.ContainerRegistry","Microsoft.Storage"]

module "master-subnet" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-subnets"

  resource_group_name = module.resource_group.name
  region              = module.resource_group.region
  vnet_name           = module.vnet.name
  label               = "master"
  ipv4_cidr_blocks    = [""]
  acl_rules           = []
  service_endpoints   = ["Microsoft.ContainerRegistry","Microsoft.Storage"]

module "aro" {
  source               = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-azure-aro"

  name_prefix           = "mytest"
  subscription_id       = var.azure_subscription_id
  tenant_id             = var.azure_tenant_id
  client_id             = var.service_principal_id
  client_secret         = var.service_principal_secret

  resource_group_name   = module.resource_group.name
  region                = module.resource_group.region
  vnet_name             = module.vnet.name
  master_subnet_id      = module.master-subnet.id
  worker_subent_id      = module.worker-subnet.id




This module has the following input variables:

Variable Mandatory / Optional Default Value Description
resource_group_name Mandatory The resource group of the network (VNet and subnet) components. A new resource group will be created for the cluster.
region Manadatory The Azure region/location where the cluster is to be deployed
vnet_name Mandatory The Azure VNet on which to create the cluster
worker_subnet_id Mandatory The id of the Azure subnet to attach the worker/compute nodes to
master_subnet_id Mandatory The id of the Azure subnet to attach the master/controller nodes to
name_prefix Mandatory Name to prefix the created resources
subscription_id Mandatory Azure subscription id where the cluster will be installed
tenant_id Mandatory Azure tenant id where the cluster will be installed
client_id Mandatory The id of the service principal to be used for the cluster creation and ongoing management
client_secret Mandatory The secret of the service principal to be used for the cluster creation and ongoing management
name "" Optional The name to give to the cluster. If left blank, the name will be generated from the name_prefix
name_prefix "" Optional The prefix for the cluster name. If left blank, the network resource group name will be used to derive the cluster name
master_flavor Standard_D8s_v3 Optional The VM size for the master/controller nodes
flavor Standard_D4s_v3 Optional The VM size for the worker/compute nodes
_count 3 Optional The number of worker/compute nodes to be created (min 2)
provision true Optional Flag to determine whether to provison the cluster. If false, an existing cluster will be queried
disable_public_endpoint false Optional If set true, no public facing endpoints will be provisioned (used for private VNet deployments)
pull_secret "" Optional A Red Hat pull secret used to access a Red Hat account. If left blank and no pull secret file is provided, cluster will still deploy, but additional content will not be available
pull_secret_file "" Optional Path to a file containing a Red Hat pull secret used to access a Red Hat account. If left blank and no pull secret is provided, cluster will still deploy, but additional content will not be available
label cluster Optional Suffix to be added to the name_prefix to derive the cluster name if no name is provided


The module outputs the following values:

Output Description
id The Id of the cluster
name The name of the cluster
resource_group_name The resource group containing the cluster (as opposed to the network resource group)
region The Azure region/location containing the cluster
config_file_path The path to the OpenShift kube config file for the cluster
token The login token for the cluster
username The login username for the cluster
password The login password for the cluster
serverURL The API URL for the cluster
platform Object containing details of the cluster (refer to output.tf for details)