🐦 Opytimizer is a Python library consisting of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms.
- 321HG
- AlexandruBurlacuChisinau, Republic of Moldova
- bartvdbraak@blender
- bibilucky
- brurubio@ebanx
- CapybasiliskLondon
- cbeauhilton
- danilownOTH Regensburg
- douglasrodriguesBotucatu-SP/Brazil
- esaiz@betit
- fsal
- fyfef1
- hckaramanHidrosaf
- hmelbergThe Arctic University of Norway
- jdidionApton
- jppbsiSao Paulo State University
- junqueiraBrazil
- LuxxxLucyVancouver, CA
- lzfelix@nubank
- MateusRoder@recogna-lab
- MingzhiZhang
- NikolasGialitsisSciFY
- NilsRethmeierGerman Research Center for AI (DFKI) + Copenhagen University + DB Systel
- omadsonUFC
- raijinspecialThe Milky Way
- RaulMedeirosFortaleza
- rodrigobressanRemote
- Serra53Didi/99
- shipmintsVagablond
- showkeyjar北京
- sonejSweden
- VinceDT
- wilsonjr@nomic-ai
- wuhuikaiNLPR, CASIA
- yjx90620
- youssefavx