My Papa asked me how do I get local newspaper online. And this script was created. B:) I thought of creating a cron job in my android but apparently it requires the android system to be rooted. Used Qpython Application on Android to run this script.
However I have Added Cron job on my ubuntu
that executes the script once a day. I have not fixed a particular time rather I have made it conditional.
- This script basically dowloads the individual pdf file of the news paper present on the website
- It then merges the individual pdfs.
- After the pdf merging it sends an email with an attachment ( e-paper ) to the email id.
- As my main motto was to run it on android I have separated what lib are to be imported and what cmd are needed to install them in QPython ( Android App ).
- whenever my system starts the script first checks the txt file.
- If the logged date is of today than the script doesn't execute
- Else the script is executed and after completon it logs todays date in the txt file
- First it checks if tor browser is started for the day
. - Same check is done with
- I was blown to see the bytes of the pdf file downloaded from
website. The file size is over 10 Mb. In some cases it exceeds 20Mb. Yes one pdf file. So just do the math for 20 pages of news paper. - I initially used System cmd to compress file but it was not very efficient
. - So I choose to use online website
. Its amazingly awesome. This site compressed file by 90%. - checkout the file
- These tools are no less than Bramhastra Haahha!
- TOR is just necessary while using PYTHON
- Use Firefox webdriver and changed the network preferences. See file
- This file tracks any changes in the directory.
- Used this to make sure that unzipping of file is done only after file is completely downloaded.
- check the file
- Used
to view the dowload progress.
- install Qpython
- open terminal
- execute
pip.main(['install', 'bs4'])
- execute
pip.main(['install', 'PyPDF2'])
- I have attached a sample of execution in Qpython. However I have changed the code for setting up conditional cron in Ubuntu.
- I have added much more libraries untill now( 5th May 2018). The very first commit was focused on Qpython. Now its totally dekstop-mode script( I mean it has librabries than can be installed in Linux systems conveniently)
- change the config file
- add
id - run
( this runs both the
- pyvirtualdisplay
- BeautifulSoup
- urllib2
- selenium
- tqdm
- math
- PyPDF2
- requests
- smtplib, email
- wget
- TorFirefox
- multiprocessing
- watchdog
- you might have to turn on "Allow less secure apps for your emailid"
- SMTPAuthenticationError : Use below link to check enabling access for less secure app on gmail
- I have added useful links that assisted me in some of the files.