
Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • This projects uses Angularjs(client) and nodejs(server) to imleplement a login based web application.
  • MySQL along with Sequelise is used to store user informations who register and also to verify if the user already exists
  • Social login is integrated in the app using Google, Facebook and Linkedin ReST API.
  • MailChimp and Mandrill has also been implemented. It is used to send Reminder mail to the Registered users

to Run

  • delete nodemodule folder( it will be installed automatically using npm install)

  • cd to home folder and run

    • npm install
    • nodemon or npm start to start server on the the port 3000
  • cd to angular-src and run

    • npm install
    • nodemon or npm start to start server on the the port 4200

    -- to send mail we need to make apost request using postman


#Tutorial 1

Rest Api – nodejs/express token gen and auth. CORS – cross origin resource sharing ( frontend on angularjs and backend on nodejs, both have different oringin, any req from front end requires CORS enabling) Mongoose ODM(obj doc mapperWednesday, 21. June 2017 03:55PM )


  • Angular 2 / Angular CLI (stable)
  • Angular Router, hTTP module
  • Angular-JWT ( handling tokens, fetch token from server and store in database, jwt checks if it is expired or not )
  • Auth guard *Angular flash message module ( pop up msg after log out )
  • comply and deploy

Tutorial 2

Installing nodejs

+++++++++++++++ ** https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-npm-on-ubuntu/ ** sudo apt-get install python-software-properties $ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs

Installing Mongodb

start mongodb service

  • sudo service mongod start

check the running server

  • netstat -plutn

  • To se the changes getting reflected on making request at the hosted port install nodemon

  • use nodemon filename.js instead of node filename.js


  • When the user types localhost/user/xyz, we need to create a route check out folder route/user.js

    • A router object is created and various method like 'get', 'post' , 'del' is used with first parmeter as the name of the route and the second is a callback.
  • then the object routes is expoted to be used in other files

  • In the file app.js we use the settings we had done in routes/user.js by

	const user = require('./routes/users.js');
	app.use('/USERS' , user);

Connecting server to the MongoDb

//Connecting server to Db Mongo ========================
const mongo = require('mongoose');
const config = require('./config/database.js');
mongo.connect(config.db_path);//param will contain the path of database
  console.log("Db connected");
  console.log("Db err"+err);


creating a database model

here we will be creating a schema of the databse

  • checkout models folder



Install Angular-cli

  • It is a tool for developing angular more conveniently

sudo npm install -g angular-cli ng new name_of_file the above line creates the folder containing allt he necessary dependencies and files needed for angular of name name_of_file .

  • Checkout that the same thing was done in angular tutorial by cloning the git repo.

To run the applicaation go the name_of_file folder and type ng serve this will host the website on the port 4200


  • use cmd ng g component comp_name to add component navbar, similarly
  • using ng cmd it automaticaly adds to app.module.ts
  • we import RouterMOdule

  • and then we mntion the module in @NgModule wirh the routes object as param

  • after that usr <router-outlet></router-outlet> to enable routes

  • use [routerLink]="['/login']" instead of href for routing


  • use [(ngModel)] = variable_name and name = variable_name to store the user input on the form in the variable variable_name
  • check register.component.html
  • after that define the variable in te class in .ts file
  • make a event litener attached to submit button that stores the user input to the variable name
  • here we gonna make an object which can be paased on to various function
	const user = {
      name: this.name,
      email: this.email,
      username: this.username,
      password: this.password

creating service

  • Now we need to validate fields in the form so we will create a service ng g service service_name

  • by default ng doesnt add the service to app.module.ts

  • so import the class andadd the class to the provider array

  • In the file .ts of validate.service add fns that takes an object (here 'user' containing form data )

using service

-To use service validate

  • we need to pass the class as an argument is the constructor (pta nhi q)


angula2-jwt check if we are logged in by checking if token has expiresd or not

  • also we can make the links showor ide depending upon logged in and out
  • import canActivate from the Router and put it in the router where we have to put it
  • here we put it in the dashbosrd
  • install in the src folde rof angular2 npm install angular2-jwt --save

Social strategy

npm install passport-facebook npm install passport-google server wale folder me type krna h

Integrating sequelize

In paksage.json "sequelize": "^3.30.4" "mysql": "^2.11.1",

starting Mysql

mysql -u root -p pwd - 1234


I have created a template using MailChimp and then sent it to Mandrill. Please find snapshot. mailchimp_mt.png = snapshot of the template created in MailChimp tempMdl_mt.png = snapshot of the same template in Mandrill mail_mt.pnt = Mail sent programatically.

change the file name and run it . make a post request via postman with body like

    "myhead" : "this mail mail is generated Programmatically",
    "content":"this content is given via postman. This template is made in Mailchimp and then sent to mandrill. "
