
What can we do with Vector Quantization on Deep Nets?

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Vector Quantization - What can we do with VQ?

VQ-VAEs use online vector quantization primarily for learning embeddings for image patches. During the learning process, the model learns a quantized set of embeddings that can be used for downstream tasks like image generation (with autoregressive models -> PixelCNNs). In this way, the embeddings learn local features of image patches.

This project aims at solving these problems:

  • What level of learning ability has the VQ framework?
  • Can we learn global representations of the entire input with VQ?
  • Is it better to use a single VQ feature for classification or a grid of features like in VQVAE?
  • Is only the autoencoder capable of learning quantized embeddings or even a classifier?
  • Is it possible to learn quantized embeddings with other architectures such as LSTMs or Transformers?

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Backbone Quantization Task Decay Beta Temp Dataset Accuracy
ResNet18 - Classifcation - - - CIFAR10 0.923
ResNet18 VQ Classifcation - 0.25 - CIFAR10 0.388
ResNet18 VQ EMA Classifcation 0.99 0.25 - CIFAR10 0.909
ResNet18 Gumbel VQ Classifcation - 0.25 1.0 CIFAR10 0.879


All the experiments are reproducible since I fixed the initial seed and the learning process is set to be deterministic.


# Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/guglielmocamporese/deep-vector-quantization.git deep_vq

# Go to the project directory
$ cd deep_vq

Install dependencies

You need Python 3.x , torch, pytorch_lightning and torchvision. Otherwise, you can install directly with conda all the dependencies with:

# Install the conda env
$ conda env create --file environment.yaml

# Activate the conda env
$ conda activate deep_vq



# No quantization
$ python main.py \
    --mode --train \
    --dataset cifar10
# Quantized
$ python main.py \
    --mode --train \
    --dataset cifar10 \
    --vq_mode vq


# No quantization
$ python main.py \
    --mode --validate \
    --dataset cifar10
# Quantized
$ python main.py \
    --mode --validate \
    --dataset cifar10 \
    --vq_mode vq

vq_mode can be:

  • not specified, for non quantized network,
  • vq for standard vector quantization,
  • vq_ema for vector quantization with exponential moving average,
  • gumbel for vector quantization with Gumbel trick.


  • Implement quantized networks for classification (inspired by VQVAE paper [link]).
    • Implement standard VQ.
    • Implement Exponential Moving Average VQ.
  • Implement quantized networks for classification (with Gumbel-Softmax Reparametrization trick [link]).
    • Implement scheduler for the gumbel temperature.
  • Do ablation on single feat vs grid of features for understanding online vector quantization for deep nets.
  • Do ablation on VQ classifier vs VQ autoencoder (1st stage) + VQ classifier (2nd stage).