Capture different network tracing logs

1. Capture HAR logs in Edge/Chrome

1. Launch the Edge/chrome browser

2. From the menu, select ... -> More tools -> Developer Tools.(or press F12 directly)

3. Select the Network tab


4. Make sure "Preserve Log" is checked


5. Select the concentric circle icon (Or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ E) to start recording the session.

This will turn the button red and replace the filled inner circle with a filled square.
Select the same filled square button to stop recording the session

6. Select the "Export HAR..." button to export the recorded session to a HAR file. The button looks like an arrow pointing downwards to a horizontal line. You can then save the log to your local machine.


2. Capture tracing logs in Fiddler (Windows)

Install the Fiddler Classic tool. This tool will detect the traffic from your computer to the external websites.


Once you install the fiddler you need to perform the below-mentioned steps:

1. Go to START button
2. Click on Fiddler 4
3. Click on Tools > Options


4. Click HTTPS Tab
5. Check the Box Against Capture HTTPS CONNECTs and Decrypt HTTPS traffic


6. Click on YES


7. Click on YES


8. Click on protocols and add tls1.1 and tls1.2



9. Reproduce the issue and capture the behavior two or three times
10. Once done, click on File-> Save->Save All session-> Give it a Name and save it.

3. Capture tracing logs in network monitor

Capture local logs from Windows machine

1. Capture Windows update logs

Run powershell command





2. Capture Arc machine related logs

Create folder temp under disk C

Launch cmd as admin

run command

cd "c:\temp"
azcmagent logs --full

This will gather log files from the following locations


The logs will be sent to path c:\temp in a file named ''



We can also additionally gather the following Windows Event Logs if this is a Windows server (and if these Event logs exist - as this is dependent on the extension type being installed).

  • Application
  • System
  • Operations Manager (if the problem is with the Log Analytics/MMA or Dependency agent extensions

3. Capture Defender logs