
Bot to supply telegram channel with hot reddit submissions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Hi there!

These bots just send latest hot submissions from subreddit /r/%subreddit% to telegram channel @r_%subreddit% hourly. For example /r/gifs@r_gifs.

If you want to obtain your own channel for /r/%subreddit%:

  1. Create new public telegram channel @r_%subreddit%.
  2. Add @reddit2telegram_bot as administrator to this channel.
  3. Make a pull request to this repo with new script to make posts (use reddit2telegram/channels/r_funnny/app.py as draft).
  4. Then I will make it alive :)
  5. For any questions do not hesitate to contact me in @r_channels group or on reddit.

If you appreciate it

BTC: 1HR9Y8v4aPG5qcQwhiwQu2qHufD6JE5w8c

ETH: 0x1987b8DFEBc3F52f91b2Af033f616c9D20Fde7ad

Currently alive channels

Subreddit Telegram Channel Periodicity
/r/gifs @r_gifs 1 hour
/r/jokes @r_jokes 3 hours
/r/funny @r_funny 1 hour
Some data related subreddits. Full list. @DataScientology 1 hour
/r/asiangirlsbeingcute @asiangirlsbeingcute 1 hour
/r/behindthegifs @r_behindthegifs 2 days
Some python related subreddits. Full list. @pythondaily 1 hour
/r/unexpected @r_unexpected 30 mins
Some subreddits about history. List. @RedditHistory 4 hours
/r/bitcoin @r_bitcoin 1 hour
/r/pics @r_pics_redux 1 hour
/r/politics and /r/news @news756 1 hour
Cat related. List. @RedditCats ~1 hour
/r/TIL @r_TIL 1 day
/r/awwnime @r_awwnime 1 hour
/r/mylittlepony @r_mlp 1 hour
/r/Showerthoughts/ @r_Showerthoughts 2 hours
/r/HighQualityGifs/ @r_HighQualityGifs 1 hour
/r/dankmemes/ @r_dankmemes 1 hour
/r/me_irl/ @r_me_irl 1 hour
/r/PoliticalHumor/ @PoliticalHumor 1 hour
/r/OldSchoolCool/ @OldSchoolCool 3 hours
/r/food/ @reddit_food 3 hours
Some gifs. @rddit 3 hours
/r/denpasong/ and /r/denpa/ @denpasong 1 hour
/r/movies/, /r/CineShots/, and /r/MoviePosterPorn/ @r_movies 1 hour
BeautifulFemales from list. @r_gentlemanboners 1 hours
Best from /r/all. @reddit_all 1 hours
/r/AskReddit @r_AskReddit 1 hour
/r/changemyview @r_changemyview 1 hour
/r/explainlikeimfive @r_explainmelikeimfive 1 hour
/r/hmmmgifs and /r/hmmm/ @just_hmmm ½ hour
/r/ProgrammerHumor @programmer_humor 1 hour
/r/cryptocurrency @r_cryptocurrency 2 hours
/r/foodporn @dailyfoodporn 1 hour
/r/overwatch @r_overwatch 1 hour
/r/pantsu @r_pantsu 1 hour
/r/listentothis @r_listentothis 1 hour
/r/ramen @r_ramen 1 hour
/r/freefolk @r_freefolk 1 hour
/r/fantheories @r_fantheories 1 hour
/r/slimerancher @r_slimerancher 1 hour
/r/googleplaydeals @r_googleplaydeals 1 hour
/r/Tinder @rtinder 1 hour
/r/Indiancelebs @Indiancelebs 1 hour
/r/pcmasterrace @r_pcmasterrace 1 hour
/r/rupaulsdragrace @r_rupaulsdragrace 1 hour
/r/wow @r_wow 1 hour
/r/minecraft @r_minecraft 1 hour
/r/maybemaybemaybe @MaybeMaybeMaybe 1 hour
/r/wholesomeMemes, /r/wholesomeAnimemes, /r/wholesomeGifs, /r/wholesomeComics @r_wholesomememes 2 hours
/r/BetterEveryLoop @BetterEveryLoop 1 hour
/r/streetwear, /r/malefashion @r_streetwear 1 hour
/r/arthelpreddit @arthelpreddit 1 hour
/r/fashion @reddit_fashion 1 hour
/r/opensignups @r_opensignups 1 hour
/r/BigAnimeTiddies @r_BigAnimeTiddies 1 hour
/r/Damnthatsinteresting @r_Damnthatsinteresting 1 hour
/r/fakealbumcovers @fakealbumcovers 1 hour
/r/Roadcam @dash_cams 1 hour
/r/mildlyinteresting @r_mild 1 hour
/r/Eyebleach @get_happiness 1 hour
SWFPORN @r_porn 1 hour
/r/formula1 @r_formula1 1 hour
/r/cpp @r_cpp 1 hour
/r/gaming @r_gaming 1 hour
/r/dontdeadopeninside @r_dontdeadopeninside 1 hour
/r/linux @r_linux 1 hour
/r/android @reddit_android 1 hour
/r/techsupportgore @r_TechSupportGore 1 hour
/r/india @r_indiaa 1 hour
/r/dndgreentext, /r/gametales, and rpghorrorstories @r_dndgreentext 1 hour
/r/dndmemes and /r/DMDadjokes @r_dndmemes 1 hour
/r/wheredidthesodago @r_wheredidthesodago 1 hour
/r/chemicalreactiongifs @r_chemicalreactiongifs 1 hour
/r/SwitchHacks @r_SwitchHacks 1 hour
/r/books @r_books 1 hour
/r/suggestmeabook @r_suggest 1 hour
/r/space @r_space 1 hour
/r/wasletztepreis @r_wasletztepreis 1 hour
/r/greentext @r_greentext 1 hour
/r/crappyoffbrands @r_crappyoffbrands 1 hour
/r/chemistry @r_chemistry 1 hour
/r/vim @r_vim 1 hour
/r/talesfromtechsupport @r_talesfromtechsupport 1 hour
/r/PewdiepieSubmissions @r_PewdiepieSubmissions 1 hour
/r/dankchristianmemes @r_dankchristianmemes 1 hour
/r/disneyvacation @r_disneyvacation 1 hour
/r/punny @R_Punny 1 hour
/r/MapPorn @r_mapporn 1 hour
/r/softwaregore @r_softwaregore 1 hour
/r/crappydesign and /r/crappydesign2 @r_crappydesign 1 hour
/r/xiaomi @reddit_xiaomi 1 hour
/r/comics @r_comics 1 hour
/r/AyyMD @RAyyMD 1 hour
/r/remotejs @r_remotejs 1 hour
/r/streetmoe @streetmoe 1 hour
/r/foxes @r_foxes 1 hour
/r/digimon @r_digimon 1 hour
/r/furry @r_furry 1 hour
/r/ik_ihe @r_ik_ihe 1 hour
/r/mildlyinfuriating @r_mildlyinfuriating 1 hour
/r/Animemes @r_Animemes 1 hour
/r/wellthatsucks @r_wellthatsucks 1 hour
/r/tf2memes @rtf2memes 1 hour
/r/arma @r_arma 1 hour
/r/grandorder @r_grandorder 1 hour
/r/2meirl4meirl @r_2meirl4meirl 1 hour
/r/photoshopbattles @r_photoshopbattles 1 hour
/r/PornhubComments @r_pornhubcomments 1 hour
/r/anime_irl @r_animeirl 1 hour
/r/indepthstories @indepthstories 1 hour
/r/osugame @r_osugame 1 hour
/r/FreeGamesOnSteam @r_FreeGamesOnSteam 1 hour
Cartoons related. @reddit_cartoons 1 hour
/r/TechNope @r_technope 1 hour
/r/carporn @rcarporn 1 hour
/r/desktops @r_desktops 1 hour
/r/vinyl @r_vinyl 1 hour
/r/DeepFriedMemes @deepfriedmemeschannel 1 hour
/r/HentaiMemes @r_HentaiMemes 1 hour
/r/rareinsults @rareinsults 1 hour
/r/sbubby @r_sbubby 1 hour
/r/loliconsunite @loliconsunite 1 hour
/r/privacy @r_privacy 1 hour
/r/WikiLeaks @r_WikiLeaks 1 hour
/r/androiddev @reddit_androiddev 1 hour
/r/proceduralgeneration @proceduralgeneration 1 hour
/r/gtaonline @r_gtaonline 1 hour
/r/ich_iel @ichimechtenleben 1 hour
/r/IngressPrimeFeedback @IngressPrimeFeedback 1 hour
/r/nfl @NFL_reddit 1 hour
/r/soccer @soccer_reddit 30 mins
/r/Texans @r_texans 2 hours
/r/reddevils @r_reddevils 1 hour
/r/gifs @GIFFFs 1 hour
/r/XXXTENTACION @r_xxxtentacion 1 hour
/r/Quotesporn @r_quotesporn 1 hour
/r/getmotivated @r_getmotivated 1 hour
/r/podcasts @r_Podcasts 1 hour
A lot of imaginary subreddits. @r_imaginary_network 1 hour
/r/maxestla @r_MaxEstLa 1 hour
/r/selfhosted @r_SelfHosted 1 hour
/r/internetisbeautiful @r_InternetIsBeautiful 1 hour
/r/thinkpadsforsale @r_thinkpadsforsale 1 hour
/r/videos @redditvideos 1 hour
/r/soccerbetting @rsoccerbetting 1 hour
/r/xboxone @r_xboxone 1 hour
/r/LivestreamFail @LivestreamFail 1 hour
/r/Facepalm @facepalmers 1 hour
/r/im14andthisisdeep @wokesouls 1 hour
/r/comedycemetery @r_ComedyCemetery 1 hour
/r/latestagecapitalism @r_latestagecapitalism 1 hour
/r/ShitLiberalsSay @ShitLiberalsSay 1 hour
/r/piracy @redditpiracy 1 hour
/r/ContraPoints @r_ContraPoints 1 hour
/r/Ingress @IngressReddit 1 hour
/r/YoutubeCompendium @YoutubeCompendium 1 hour
/r/OddlySatisfying @oddly_satisfy 1 hour
/r/jenkinsci @jenkinsci 1 hour
/r/art @redditart 1 hour
/r/interestingasfuck @r_interestingasfuck 1 hour
/r/Programming @r_Pr0gramming 2 hours
/r/RimWorld @r_RimWorld 1 hour
/r/woooosh @r_woooosh 1 hour
/r/instant_regret @instant_regret 1 hour
/r/DJs @r_djs 1 hour
/r/marvelstudios @r_marvelstudios 1 hour
/r/ImGoingToHellForThis @r_ImToGoingHellForThis 1 hour
/r/creepyasterisks @r_creepyasterisks 1 hour
/r/WhitePeopleTwitter & /r/BlackPeopleTwitter & /r/scottishpeopletwitter & /r/wholesomebpt & /r/latinopeopletwitter @AllTwitter 1 hour
/r/TIHI @r_TIHI 1 hour
/r/therewasanattempt @r_therewasanattempt 1 hour
/r/WatchPeopleDieInside @r_WatchPeopleDieInside 1 hour
/r/youtubehaiku @r_youtubehaiku 4 hour
/r/eminem @sub_eminem 1 hour
/r/jailbreak @r_jailbreak 1 hour
/r/ShittyRamen @r_shittyramen 1 hour
/r/bestoftwitter @bestoftweets 1 hour
/r/blackpeopletwitter @blackpeopletweets 1 hour
/r/whitepeopletwitter @whitepeopletweets 1 hour
/r/Trackers @r_trackers 1 hour
/r/borderHands & /r/Borderlands & /r/Borderlands2 & /r/borderlands3 @r_vault_hunters 1 hour
/r/therightcantmeme @therightcantmeme 1 hour
/r/CoolGithubProjects & /r/coolcstechtalks @r_CoolGithubProjects 1 hour
/r/evilbuildings @r_evilbuildings 1 hour
/r/RATS @rattit 1 hour
/r/linuxmemes @r_linuxmemes 1 hour
/r/BlackMagicFuckery @r_BlackMagicFuckery 1 hour
/r/engrish @r_engrish 1 hour
/r/coolguides @coolguides 1 hour
/r/climbing @r_climbing 1 hour
/r/ClimbingCircleJerk @r_climbingcirclejerk 1 hour
/r/tyingherhairup @tyingherhairup 1 hour
/r/Designporn @r_designporn 1 hour
/r/cricket @r_cricket 1 hour
/r/SquarePosting @r_squareposting 1 hour
/r/LiverpoolFC @r_LiverpoolFC 1 hour
/r/econpapers, /r/economics, and /r/economy @r_econ 1 hour
/r/animearmpits @r_animearmpits 1 hour
/r/megane @r_megane 1 hour
/r/SurrealMemes @rSurrealMemes 1 hour
/r/ThinkPad @r_thinkpad 1 hour
/r/apple @r_apple 1 hour
/r/funnystories @r_funnystories 1 hour
/r/shitposters_paradise @r_shitposters_paradise 1 hour
/r/nottheonion @r_nottheonion 1 hour
/r/izlam @r_izlam 1 hour
/r/haikuOS @r_haikuos 1 hour
/r/pathofexile @GGPoE 1 hour
/r/terraria @r_terraria 1 hour
/r/breadtube @r_breadtube 1 hour
/r/furry_irl @rfurryirl 1 hour
/r/combatfootage, /r/ww2, /r/wwiipics, /r/WarshipPorn, /r/MilitaryGifs, /r/battlegifs, /r/tankporn @r_war 1 hour
/r/cutelittlefangs @r_cutelittlefangs 1 hour
/r/dankmemes+me_irl+memes+greentext @admeme 1 hour
/r/Blackfellas @blackfellas 1 hour
/r/tifu @r_channels_tifu 1 hour
/r/Vinesauce @r_vinesauce 1 hour
/r/freegamefindings @r_freegamefindings 1 hour
/r/bakchodi @r_bakchodi 1 hour
/r/OurWorldTWD @OurWorldTWD 1 hour
/r/ChelseaFC @rChelseaFC 1 hour
Some. @manpill 1 hour
/r/DevilMayCry @r_devilmaycry 1 hour
/r/nootropics @r_nootropics 1 hour
/r/libertarian @r_libertarian 1 hour
/r/kratom @r_kratom 1 hour
/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial @r_memetemplatesofficial 1 hour
/r/lego @reddit_lego 1 hour
/r/DoctorWhumour @DoctorWhumour 1 hour
/r/sweatypalms @r_sweatypalms 1 hour
/r/BeAmazed @r_beamazed 1 hour
/r/FantasyPL @r_FantasyPL 1 hour
/r/asexuality+asexual+aaaaaaacccccccce+aromanticis @asexualityonreddit 1 hour
/r/trashpandas+raccoons @r_trashpandas 1 hour
/r/bugbounty @r_bugbounty 1 hour
/r/kemonomimi @r_kemonomimi 1 hour
/r/darkjokes @darkreddit 1 hour
/r/devops @r_devops 1 hour
/r/sysadmin @r_systemadmin 1 hour
/r/discordapp @r_discordapp 1 hour
/r/stargatememes @stargatememes 1 hour
/r/corgi+corgibutts+BabyCorgis+corgis+Incorgnito @r_corgi 1 hour
/r/gamingmemes+gamememes+Gaming_Memes+gaming @r_gamingmemes 1 hour
/r/CasualUK @r_casualuk 1 hour
/r/educationalgifs @r_educationalgifs 1 hour
/r/Celebs @r_Celebs 1 hour
/r/DunderMifflin @DunderMiff 1 hour
/r/tf_irl @r_tfirl 1 hour
/r/lal_salaam+kuttichevuru @r_kcv 1 hour
/r/magiarecord @r_magiarecord 1 hour
/r/hearthstone @r_hearthstone 1 hour
/r/grandorder @grndordr 1 hour
/r/ShitPostCrusaders @r_shitpostcrusaders 1 hour
/r/plsnobulli @r_plsnobulli 1 hour
/r/humanbeingbros @humanbeingbros 1 hour
/r/theydidthemath @TheyDidTheMath 1 hour
/r/EliteDangerous @EliteDanger0us 1 hour
/r/motivation @Mootivati0n 1 hour
/r/Instagramreality @InstaReality 1 hour
/r/fakehistoryporn @FakeHistoryP0RN 1 hour
/r/shittyaskscience @ShitScience 1 hour
/r/therewasanattempt @ThereWasAnAttempt 1 hour
/r/OneTrueTohsaka @churchoftohsaka 1 hour
/r/vexillology @r_vexillology 1 hour
/r/Destiny @Omnidestiny 1 hour
/r/pickuplines @r_pickuplines 1 hour
/r/Cumtown @r_Cumtown 1 hour
/r/youshouldknow @r_youshouldknow 1 hour
/r/Hasan_Piker @hasanthesun 1 hour
/r/fantanoforever @fantanoforever 1 hour
/r/bikinimoe @BikiniMoe 1 hour
/r/SatisfactoryGame @r_SatisfactoryGame 1 hour
/r/wtf @reddit_wtf 1 hour
/r/ContagiousLaughter @ContagiousLaughter 1 hour
/r/DotA2 @reddit_Dota2 1 hour
/r/BikiniBottomTwitter @r_BikiniBottomTwitter 1 hour
/r/cursedcomments @r_CursedComments 1 hour
/r/Pony_irl @r_Pony_irl 1 hour
/r/football+liverpoolfc+coys @soccerx 1 hour
/r/HQDesi @r_HqDesi 1 hour
/r/ThatsInsane @r_thatsinsane 1 hour
/r/apexlegends @r_apexlegends 1 hour
/r/ATBGE @ATBGE 1 hour
/r/perfectlycutscreams @AAAAAGGHHHH 1 hour
/r/araragi @r_araragi 1 hour
/r/WatchPeopleVim @WatchPeopleVim 1 hour
/r/VaporwaveAesthetics @VaporwaveAesthetics 1 hour
/r/suicidewatch @r_suicidewatch 1 hour
/r/giveaways @giveaway_gift 1 hour
/r/sffpc @sffpc 1 hour
/r/coding @r_coding 1 hour
/r/PUBGMobile @r_pubgmobile 1 hour
... be the next one ...

Running it

Easiest way is to ask for new channel at @r_channels.

But if you are geek enough then install mongodb, python and setup cron:

46 * * * * ~/reddit2telegram/auto_update.sh
* * * * * ~/reddit2telegram/reddit2telegram/cron_job.sh

Or, you can build a docker? If yes, pls PR.