
Pairwise comparison tests for one-way designs 🔬📝

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pairwiseComparisons: Multiple Pairwise Comparison Tests

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pairwiseComparisons provides a tidy data friendly way to carry out pairwise comparison tests.

It currently supports post hoc multiple pairwise comparisons tests for both between-subjects and within-subjects one-way analysis of variance designs. For both of these designs, parametric, non-parametric, and robust statistical tests are available.


To get the latest, stable CRAN release (0.1.1):

install.packages(pkgs = "pairwiseComparisons")

You can get the development version of the package from GitHub ( To see what new changes (and bug fixes) have been made to the package since the last release on CRAN, you can check the detailed log of changes here: https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/pairwiseComparisons/news/index.html

If you are in hurry and want to reduce the time of installation, prefer-

# needed package to download from GitHub repo
install.packages(pkgs = "remotes")

# downloading the package from GitHub
  repo = "IndrajeetPatil/pairwiseComparisons", # package path on GitHub
  dependencies = FALSE, # assumes you have already installed needed packages
  quick = TRUE # skips docs, demos, and vignettes

If time is not a constraint-

  repo = "IndrajeetPatil/pairwiseComparisons", # package path on GitHub
  dependencies = TRUE, # installs packages which pairwiseComparisons depends on
  upgrade_dependencies = TRUE # updates any out of date dependencies

Summary of types of statistical analyses

Following table contains a brief summary of the currently supported pairwise comparison tests-

Between-subjects design

Type Equal variance? Test p-value adjustment?
Parametric No Games-Howell test Yes
Parametric Yes Student’s t-test Yes
Non-parametric No Dwass-Steel-Crichtlow-Fligner test Yes
Robust No Yuen’s trimmed means test Yes
Bayes Factor No No No
Bayes Factor Yes No No

Within-subjects design

Type Test p-value adjustment?
Parametric Student’s t-test Yes
Non-parametric Durbin-Conover test Yes
Robust Yuen’s trimmed means test Yes
Bayes Factor No No


Here we will see specific examples of how to use this function for different types of

  • designs (between or within subjects)
  • statistics (parametric, non-parametric, robust)
  • p-value adjustment methods

Between-subjects design

# for reproducibility

# parametric
# if `var.equal = TRUE`, then Student's *t*-test will be run
  data = ggplot2::msleep,
  x = vore,
  y = brainwt,
  type = "parametric",
  var.equal = TRUE,
  paired = FALSE,
  p.adjust.method = "bonferroni"
#> Note: The parametric pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Student's t-test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: bonferroni
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   group1  group2  mean.difference p.value significance
#>   <chr>   <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 carni   herbi            0.542    1     ns          
#> 2 carni   insecti         -0.0577   1     ns          
#> 3 carni   omni             0.0665   1     ns          
#> 4 herbi   insecti         -0.600    1     ns          
#> 5 herbi   omni            -0.476    0.979 ns          
#> 6 insecti omni             0.124    1     ns          
#>   label                                
#>   <chr>                                
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.979 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )

# if `var.equal = FALSE`, then Games-Howell test will be run
  data = ggplot2::msleep,
  x = vore,
  y = brainwt,
  type = "parametric",
  var.equal = FALSE,
  paired = FALSE,
  p.adjust.method = "bonferroni"
#> Note: The parametric pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Games-Howell test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: bonferroni
#> # A tibble: 6 x 9
#>   group1 group2  mean.difference    se t.value    df p.value significance
#>   <chr>  <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 omni   herbi             0.476 0.255   1.32   20.9       1 ns          
#> 2 omni   carni            -0.066 0.061   0.774  21.1       1 ns          
#> 3 omni   insecti          -0.124 0.057   1.55   17.2       1 ns          
#> 4 herbi  carni            -0.542 0.25    1.54   19.4       1 ns          
#> 5 herbi  insecti          -0.6   0.249   1.70   19.1       1 ns          
#> 6 carni  insecti          -0.058 0.027   1.53   10.7       1 ns          
#>   label                                
#>   <chr>                                
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 1.000 )

# non-parametric
  data = ggplot2::msleep,
  x = vore,
  y = brainwt,
  type = "nonparametric",
  paired = FALSE,
  p.adjust.method = "none"
#> Note: The nonparametric pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Dwass-Steel-Crichtlow-Fligner test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: none
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   group1  group2       W p.value significance
#>   <chr>   <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 carni   herbi   -0.8    0.572  ns          
#> 2 carni   insecti -2.36   0.0956 ns          
#> 3 carni   omni    -1.72   0.225  ns          
#> 4 herbi   insecti -2.40   0.0895 ns          
#> 5 herbi   omni    -0.948  0.503  ns          
#> 6 insecti omni     1.61   0.256  ns          
#>   label                                  
#>   <chr>                                  
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['unadjusted']== 0.572 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['unadjusted']== 0.096 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['unadjusted']== 0.225 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['unadjusted']== 0.089 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['unadjusted']== 0.503 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['unadjusted']== 0.256 )

# robust
  data = ggplot2::msleep,
  x = vore,
  y = brainwt,
  type = "robust",
  paired = FALSE,
  p.adjust.method = "fdr"
#> Note: The robust pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Yuen's trimmed means comparisons test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: fdr
#> # A tibble: 6 x 8
#>   group1  group2    psihat conf.low conf.high p.value significance
#>   <chr>   <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 insecti omni    -0.0556   -0.184     0.0728   0.969 ns          
#> 2 carni   herbi   -0.0530   -0.274     0.168    0.969 ns          
#> 3 carni   omni     0.00210  -0.151     0.155    0.969 ns          
#> 4 herbi   omni     0.0551   -0.173     0.283    0.969 ns          
#> 5 carni   insecti  0.0577   -0.0609    0.176    0.969 ns          
#> 6 herbi   insecti  0.111    -0.0983    0.320    0.969 ns          
#>   label                                
#>   <chr>                                
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.969 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.969 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.969 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.969 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.969 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.969 )

Within-subjects design

# for reproducibility

# parametric
  data = bugs_long,
  x = condition,
  y = desire,
  type = "parametric",
  paired = TRUE,
  p.adjust.method = "BH"
#> Note: The parametric pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Student's t-test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: BH
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   group1 group2 mean.difference   p.value significance
#>   <chr>  <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 HDHF   HDLF            -1.11  10.00e- 4 ***         
#> 2 HDHF   LDHF            -0.474  7.07e- 2 ns          
#> 3 HDHF   LDLF            -2.14   7.64e-12 ***         
#> 4 HDLF   LDHF             0.637  5.47e- 2 ns          
#> 5 HDLF   LDLF            -1.03   1.39e- 3 **          
#> 6 LDHF   LDLF            -1.66   6.67e- 9 ***         
#>   label                                
#>   <chr>                                
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.001 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.071 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.055 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.001 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )

# non-parametric
  data = bugs_long,
  x = condition,
  y = desire,
  type = "nonparametric",
  paired = TRUE,
  p.adjust.method = "BY"
#> Note: The nonparametric pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Durbin-Conover test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: BY
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#>   group1 group2 statistic  p.value significance
#>   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 HDHF   HDLF        4.78 1.44e- 5 ***         
#> 2 HDHF   LDHF        2.44 4.47e- 2 *           
#> 3 HDHF   LDLF        8.01 5.45e-13 ***         
#> 4 HDLF   LDHF        2.34 4.96e- 2 *           
#> 5 HDLF   LDLF        3.23 5.05e- 3 **          
#> 6 LDHF   LDLF        5.57 4.64e- 7 ***         
#>   label                                
#>   <chr>                                
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.045 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.050 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.005 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )

# robust
  data = bugs_long,
  x = condition,
  y = desire,
  type = "robust",
  paired = TRUE,
  p.adjust.method = "hommel"
#> Note: The robust pairwise multiple comparisons test used-
#>  Yuen's trimmed means comparisons test.
#>  Adjustment method for p-values: hommel
#> # A tibble: 6 x 8
#>   group1 group2 psihat conf.low conf.high  p.value significance
#>   <chr>  <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 HDLF   LDHF   -0.701  -1.71       0.303 6.20e- 2 ns          
#> 2 HDHF   LDHF    0.5    -0.188      1.19  6.20e- 2 ns          
#> 3 HDLF   LDLF    0.938   0.0694     1.81  1.36e- 2 *           
#> 4 HDHF   HDLF    1.16    0.318      2.00  1.49e- 3 **          
#> 5 LDHF   LDLF    1.54    0.810      2.27  1.16e- 6 ***         
#> 6 HDHF   LDLF    2.10    1.37       2.82  1.79e-10 ***         
#>   label                                
#>   <chr>                                
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.062 )
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.062 )
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.014 )
#> 4 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.001 )
#> 5 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )
#> 6 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 )

Using pairwiseComparisons with ggsignif to display results

# needed libraries

# converting to factor
mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)

# creating a basic plot
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(cyl, wt)) + geom_boxplot()

# using `pairwiseComparisons` package to create a dataframe with results
(df <-
  pairwise_comparisons(mtcars, cyl, wt, messages = FALSE) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(.data = ., groups = purrr::pmap(.l = list(group1, group2), .f = c)) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(.data = ., group1))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 10
#>   group1 group2 mean.difference    se t.value    df p.value significance
#>   <chr>  <chr>            <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 4      8                1.71  0.188    6.44  23.0   0     ***         
#> 2 6      4               -0.831 0.154    3.81  16.0   0.008 **          
#> 3 6      8                0.882 0.172    3.62  19.0   0.008 **          
#>   label                                 groups   
#>   <chr>                                 <list>   
#> 1 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']<= 0.001 ) <chr [2]>
#> 2 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.008 ) <chr [2]>
#> 3 list(~italic(p)['adjusted']== 0.008 ) <chr [2]>

# using `geom_signif` to display results
p +
    comparisons = df$groups,
    map_signif_level = TRUE,
    tip_length = 0.01,
    y_position = c(5.5, 5.75, 6),
    annotations = df$label,
    test = NULL,
    na.rm = TRUE,
    parse = TRUE

Code coverage

As the code stands right now, here is the code coverage for all primary functions involved: https://codecov.io/gh/IndrajeetPatil/pairwiseComparisons/tree/master/R


I’m happy to receive bug reports, suggestions, questions, and (most of all) contributions to fix problems and add features. I personally prefer using the GitHub issues system over trying to reach out to me in other ways (personal e-mail, Twitter, etc.). Pull Requests for contributions are encouraged.

Here are some simple ways in which you can contribute (in the increasing order of commitment):

  • Read and correct any inconsistencies in the documentation

  • Raise issues about bugs or wanted features

  • Review code

  • Add new functionality (in the form of new plotting functions or helpers for preparing subtitles)

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.