Call bus (mediator) to handle Request/Response informations
Receives and reponds DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to clients
Using OWIN as interface between API and IIS
Using Swagger library for documentation of the API (UI accessible through http://localhost:53070/swagger/)
Contain Models.
Contains Commands, Queries and their Handlers (Using MediatR library).
Call Data layer to retrieve/persist informations.
Using Entity Framework as ORM for data access.
Using Code First approach.
Automatically creates Database and seed data in the first execution.
Using AsNoTracking for better performance on retrieving data.
Domain Driven Design: Layers and Domain Model patterns applied.
CQRS (Command Query Responsability Segregation) through MediatR library.
Repository Pattern: Data layer.
Dependendy Injection Pattern.
AutoMapper: Handle mappings.
EntityFramework: Microsoft ORM.
MediatR: In-process messaging.
OWIN: Decouple web server and web application.
Swashbuckle: Swagger implementation for .NET, documentation for API.
IdentityServer4: Handles OAuth2 authentication