A Library API developed to practice clean architecture with Golang. Feel free to suggest changes and give your opinion on the code, constructive criticism is always welcome
- Chi + Viper + Postgres + Docker + Clean Architecture (literally Uncle Bob's book)
- The first step is to create a config.toml file following the example with the database environment variables.
- After that edit the connection string in
file to match your run option: docker or make. (Docker use the container host and make use localhost, still working on a better solution for this problem.)
You can run using docker:
$ docker compose up
If you prefer to use make, you just need to set up the database locally and after that:
$ make run
- Manage books database (inserting, updating, deleting and getting books from it)
- Manage current book stock (how many books of each title and who borrowed them)
- Manage library customers (keep track of all the books someone has borrowed)
- Browse books (costumer role)
- Config docker compose to run postgres and the app
- JWT authentication and authorization
- Roles for users and costumers
- Universal configuration file, independent of entrypoint used
- Only search titles, authors and publishers with exact name, must fix to select when contains substrings too
- Use Redis to cache main books to display by costumer