Frontend Challenge

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Use React or React Native depending on the rule you are running for.

NOTE: If you have any questions regarding the test, just send us your question on Slack's channel #challenge-foton on React Brasil.


Use the Google Books' API to recover the data that will be shown on the app.

const query = 'harry potter';

NOTE: You can use the form of calling apis of your choice (Fetch, Axios, etc).


Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 10 19 47

The website design has 3 screens, which are:


  1. Create a Pixel Perfect screen based on design above;
  2. The books must be clickable and redirect to details screen.


In this screen the functionalities below are mandatory:

  1. See a list of books based on search query;
  2. Make it possible to search for more books with a "Load more" button;
  3. Search books by name;
  4. Click on one of the books to see their details.

Books details

In this screen the functionalities below are mandatory:

  1. See all information for the selected book.