
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project try to achieve Mozio backend developer Test.

This project Layout is created using cookiecutter-django

Getting up and running

The steps below will get you up and running with a local development environment. We assume you have the following installed:

  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • PostgreSQL 9.3 or superior with Postgis Extension

First make sure to create and activate a virtualenv, then open a terminal at the project root and install the requirements for local development:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Then, create a PostgreSQL database and add the database configuration using the dj-database-url app pattern: postgres://db_owner:password@dbserver_ip:port/db_name either:

  • in the config.settings.common.py setting file,
  • or in the environment variable DATABASE_URL

You can now run the usual Django migrate and runserver command:

$ python manage.py migrate

$ python manage.py runserver

How to Use

To create a user account, just go to Sign Up (SignUp) and fill out the form. Once you submit it.

After being login in, on the navigation bar on the right side are: the Services Areas List (List) , and Services Area Create (Create).

In Services Area Create, you can create one clicking on the map to localize markers as vertex of your polygon service area, map location is based on the user IP, whether is no possible get location, default is based on San Francisco CA, the coordinates information of each marker(vertex) will be showing on the right side of the page, with the Latitude and Longitude of each one.

In Services Area List you can see if a point is inside a service area clicking on the map, in the right side of the page you will be notify if the point is or not inside a service area, services areas are loaded from the backend but are not visible.

To see it online please click here