NetPromoterScore Service

Pre Requisites

  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • Ruby 3.1.1

How to run

  1. Install dependencies with bundle install
  2. Setup RabbitMQ using docker-compose up
  3. (Optional) Add rabbitmq_management plugin to RabbitMQ using docker exec YOUR-CONTAINER-ID rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management (this will enable RabbitMQ admin panel on
  4. Start a Sneakers server with rake sneakers:run WORKERS=CreateNetPromoterScoreWorker
  5. Start the server with rails server

Running tests

Simply run rake run_tests

This will create a Sneakers server and run the tests.

Known issues

Rake tests leave ruby instances running in the background running unless all rubies instances are terminated together, so all ruby pids are terminated, this may lead to a server stopping, because all running rubies all will receive SIGTERM.