
guidebee map API for Java (Android ,Java SE, Java ME, Blackberry) Source code

Created by James Shen on 18-May-2013. Open source guidebee map.

Guidebee Digital Map API implements a GIS engine on different platforms (JavaME,JavaSE,Android,Windows Mobile,iPhone,.Net). It support online, offline, raster and vector map in the same package.and support find an address and get a direction.

It includes 5 packages:

  • com.mapdigit.gis
  • com.mapdigit.gis.geometry
  • com.mapdigit.gis.raster
  • com.mapdigit.gis.service
  • com.mapdigit.gis.vector

Key features

  • •Map Zoom in/Zoom out
  • •Map pan direction
  • •Coordinate transform
  • •Geocoding
  • •Reverse Geocoding
  • •Driving direction
  • •Image Cache
  • •Graphics 2D drawing
  • •Online,offline,vector map


  • •Java ME library MIDP/LWUIT/Blackberry
  • •Java SE library Android/Java SE
  • •.Net framework library Windows Mobile/Desktop/Windows Phone 7


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Map Tile Download Tool

Support download map tiles from all kind of Map Servers (like Google,Bing, Yahoo,Nokia ,OpenStreet etc)
