
Real Time Web - chat demo

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Real Time Web - Chat demo

A small demo to demonstate sockets beyond the basic demo.



Install and start the server with the following commands.

npm install
npm start


The package nodemon is used to autorestart the application on changes, esm is used to be able to use ES Module syntax instead of require. The demo is based on the basic Socket.io demo, so the socket.io package is used to handle all socket logic.

Data lifecycle diagram

Insert your diagram

Message types

There are multiple message types to organise all messages that flow through the sockets. This provides a helpful structure during development.


  • set user - Set your username
  • chat message - Send a chat message to other people in the chat


  • server message - Send a server notification to clients



See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository.