
Select a playlist entry, track, chapter, or subtitle line to seek to in mpv's console

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

This is archived due to being upstreamed into mpv.

Use the console to select a playlist entry, track, chapter, or subtitle line to seek to by typing part of the desired option and/or by navigating the options with the keyboard.

The default keybindings are:

  • script-binding select-playlist: g-p
  • script-binding select-track: g-t
  • script-binding select-secondary-sub: g-j
  • script-binding select-chapter: g-c
  • script-binding sub-seek: g-s (requires ffmpeg in PATH, or in the same folder as mpv on Windows)

The keybindings to navigate the options are:

  • Go down: Down, Ctrl+j, Ctrl+n
  • Go up: Up, Ctrl+k, Ctrl+p
  • Scroll down one page: Page down, Ctrl+f
  • Scroll up one page: Page up, Ctrl+b

select-playlist also binds Ctrl+Shift+d to removing the selected entry from the playlist.

fuzzy finding is provided by fzy-lua.

This requires mpv >= 0.38 for mp.input support.