
Machine-dependant font configuration for Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT

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Machine-dependant font configuration for Emacs

Alfontzo provides a font configuration per operating system type and machine — e.g. you work on your Laptop and use Fira Code at size 14, but on your desktop you have a display with a higher resolution and thus want to work with Consolas at size 18. Alfontzo provides M-x alfontzo-fontface and M-x alfontzo-typescale as a fast and convenient way of setting fontface and size on your current machine and stores them in custem-set.el to remember it for the next time Emacs is used on that specific machine.

Initial Idea

I use Emacs across different machines across the day (Macbook at work with Retina displays, Macbook Air at home, Linux machine at home with an older 1280px display). On each machine, I prefer a different font size, because each machine has a different screen resolution.


A. Initialization without further customizations:

(use-package alfontzo
  :ensure t
  • Use M-x alfontzo-typescale to change and store the font-size for the current machine
  • Use M-x alfontzo-fontface to change and store the font-face for the current machine

B. Initialization with customizations for operating systems:

(use-package alfontzo
  :ensure t
  ;; Set the default font-sizes per operating system type
  (setq alfontzo-os-font-size-map
        `((,alfontzo-os-windows . 13)
          (,alfontzo-os-mac . 14)
          (,alfontzo-os-linux . 11)))
  ;; Set the default font-face per operating system type
  (setq alfontzo-os-font-name-map
        `((,alfontzo-os-windows . "Consolas")
          (,alfontzo-os-mac . "Menlo")
          (,alfontzo-os-linux . "Courier")))

C. Initialization with pre-defined configurations for machines:

(use-package alfontzo
  :ensure t
  (setq alfontzo-host-font-name-map
        '(("YOUR_FIRST_HOST_NAME_HERE" . "Menlo")
          ("YOUR_SECOND_HOST_NAME_HERE" . "Consolas")))
  (setq alfontzo-host-font-scales-map
        '(("YOUR_FIRST_HOST_NAME_HERE" . 12)
          ("YOUR_FIRST_HOST_NAME_HERE" . 18)))