
Following "Programming From The Ground Up" by Jonathan Bartlett

Primary LanguageAssembly

Programming From The Ground Up

Learn 32 Bit Assembly

Project Setup


Download Debian image

curl -Lo debian.amd64.qcow2 https://cloud.debian.org/images/cloud/bookworm/latest/debian-12-nocloud-amd64.qcow2

Resize to desired disk size

qemu-img resize debian.qcow2 16G

Run the machine


On the virtual machine guest, add virtual drive via:

vim /etc/fstab

then add the following line

Project /root/ground-up 9p _netdev,trans=virtio,version=9p2000.u,msize=104857600 0 0

Install development toolchains

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install -y build-essential gdb vim
apt install libc6:i386

Exit the virtual machine

Crtl-A x

Login: root


The Makefile allows building the examples, e.g:

make build src=00_exit.s

make build unites the following build process:

  1. Assemble/complie with as (using -32 option to build 32 bit assembler, since Programming from the ground up covers 32 bit assembly) to object (.o) file in o/ directory.
  2. Link with ld (using -m elf_i386 option to use the 32 bit emulation toolchain) to create a runnable binary in bin/ folder


  • General Purpose Registers: %eax, %ebx, %ecx, %edx, %edi, %esi
  • Special Purpose Registers: %ebp, %esp, %eip, %eflags
  1. %ebp: base pointer, you access specific data in memory by offsetting this base pointer address, e.g. -4(%ebp)
  2. %esp: always contains a pointer to the top of the stack


  • Function parameters are pushed to the stack before function calls!
  • %esp is the stack pointer and holds the address of the stack


Using gdb you can step through the program after building it by running, e.g:

gdb bin/00_exit

Helpful commands

  • list $line_number, e.g. list 20 to show the source code (shortcut l)
  • breakpoint $line_number, e.g. breakpoint 20 to set a breakpoint (shortcut b)
  • run to start the program (shortcut r)
  • continue to continue after halt on a breakpoint (shortcut c)
  • step to step through line by line after halt on a breakpoint (shortcut s)
  • info register $register, e.g. info register eax to list registers and their values (shortcut i r) - you can add more than one register, e.g. i r eax ebx esi
  • info frame shows the stack frame info (shortcut i f)
  • p $sp print stack pointer
  • x/10d $sp display 10 memory blocks (as decimal) at stack pointer, see x command
  • backtrace shows the call stack (shortcut bt)
